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《物联网(IoT)技术、应用、挑战与解决方案》是一本由B.K. Tripathy和J.Anuradha编著的专业书籍,由CRC Press出版,隶属于Taylor & Francis Group。该书全面探讨了物联网这一前沿技术领域,涵盖了其基础技术、实际应用场景以及面临的各种挑战,并提出了相应的解决方案。作者们深入浅出地阐述了物联网的核心概念,包括设备互联、数据收集、分析和通信协议等,旨在帮助读者理解和掌握这个快速增长的技术。 在内容上,书中的章节可能包括以下知识点: 1. **物联网技术基础**:介绍了物联网的定义、组成元素(如传感器、执行器、网关、云计算等),以及无线通信技术(如LoRa、Wi-Fi、蓝牙等)在物联网中的作用。 2. **应用实例**:书中可能会列举物联网在工业生产、智能家居、智能交通、医疗健康、农业监测、环境监控等领域的具体应用案例,展示其实际效能和价值。 3. **挑战分析**:讨论物联网发展中遇到的难题,如数据安全与隐私保护、网络连接的稳定性、设备兼容性、能源效率、以及法规与标准制定等问题。 4. **安全与隐私策略**:讲解如何应对物联网设备可能面临的黑客攻击,以及如何通过加密、身份验证和数据保护措施来确保数据安全。 5. **标准与规范**:介绍当前物联网领域的国际和行业标准,如IPv6、MQTT、CoAP等,以及它们对系统设计的影响。 6. **未来趋势与前景**:预测物联网技术的未来发展,包括5G、AI和边缘计算等新兴技术如何推动物联网的进一步发展。 7. **解决方案与最佳实践**:提出针对上述挑战的创新解决方案,可能包括采用新的安全架构、优化能源管理、以及跨行业的合作模式。 该书不仅提供理论知识,还关注实操层面的解决方案,对于对物联网感兴趣的工程师、研究人员、企业决策者以及政策制定者来说,是一本不可多得的参考资源。无论是初学者还是行业专家,都能从中获得有价值的信息和洞见。同时,由于其英文原版且无水印,适合英语阅读能力较强的读者或翻译研究。
2018-01-14 上传
Internet of Things (IoT) is the third wave of Internet and is supposed to have a potential to connect about 28 billion items by 2020, ranging from bracelets to cars. The term “IoT,” which was rst proposed by Kevin Ashton, a British technologist, in 1999, has the potential to impact everything from new product opportunities to shop oor optimization to fac- tory worker ef ciency gains that will power top-line and bottom-line gains. It is believed that IoT will improve energy ef ciency, remote monitoring, and control of physical assets and productivity through applications as diverse as home security to condition monitor- ing on the factory oor. Now IoT has been used in markets in the eld of health care, home appliances and buildings, retail markets, energy and manufacturing companies, mobility and transportation, logistics companies, and by media. Equipments are becoming more digitized and more connected, establishing networks between machines, humans, and the Internet, leading to the creation of new ecosystems that enable higher productivity, better energy ef ciency, and higher pro tability. Sensors help to recognize the state of things, by which they gain the advantage of anticipating human needs based on the information collected per context. These intelligent devices not only gather information from their environment but are also capable of taking deci- sions without human intervention. IoT technology is being used in our day-to-day life for unlocking the door without a key; in card recognizers, automatic locks, vehicle detecting systems, toll payment system; and for tracking animals, access control, payment systems, contactless smart cards, anti-theft devices, steering column reader, etc. The IoT building blocks will come from those that are web-enabled devices, providing common platforms on which they can communicate, and develop new applications to capture new users. In this background, this book is an attempt to present updated information on the recent trends on the issues involved, highlighting the challenges involved, and source the solutions for some of these challenges. The book comprises 14 chapters. The chapterwise description of contents in the volume is as follows. For seamless visual tracking of passengers traveling in a vehicle, the visual light trans- mission (VLT) and visual light re ectance (VRT) values of the glass windows used in the vehicle should be at a particular value. All vehicle manufacturers follow certain standards. But the vehicle owner/user generally buys window-tinting lms from the gray market and pastes the same on the glass windows, which in turn hamper the visibility, thereby preventing the law enforcement authorities from having a clear view of those traveling in the vehicle. In Chapter 1, a proposal for the automatic detection of tint level for vehi- cles is presented. The system has been designed using ordinary cameras that work in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The system is capable of identifying a vehicle’s registered number using algorithms developed for this purpose. Various ltering techniques are applied to nd the level of tint from the captured camera images. Using three different techniques, namely, color segmentation, contour detection, and histogram analysis, the tint level of windshield/window region is estimated. Thus, the IoT system recognizes the numbers on the number plate and can fetch the contact details of the owner from the database. It also communicates the same information to the owner with details on and extent of tint level violation along with documentary evidence.