December 10, 2010 / Vol. 8, No. 12 / CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 1199
Modeling of silicon-nanocrystal formation in amorphous
silicon/silicon dioxide multilayer structure
Keyong Chen (]]]), Xue Feng (¾¾¾ ÈÈÈ)
, and Yidong Huang (ÀÀÀ)
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics, Department of Electronic Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Received August 5, 2010
The formation process of silicon-nanocrystals (Si-NCs) in the amorphous silicon/silicon dioxide (a-Si/SiO
multilayer structure during thermal annealing is theoretically studied with a modified model based on the
Gibbs free energy variation. In this model, the concept of average effective interfacial free energy variation
is introdu ced and the whole formation process consisting of nucleation and subsequent growth is considered.
The calculating results indicate that there is a lower limit of the silicon layer thickness for forming Si-NCs
in a-Si/SiO
multilayer, and the oxide interfaces cannot constrain their lateral growth. Furthermore, by
comparing the results for a-Si/SiO
and a-Si/SiN
multilayers, it is found that the constraint on the crystal
growth from the d ielectric interfaces depends on the difference between interfacial free energies.
OCIS codes: 310.0310, 310.6805.
doi: 10.3788/COL20100812.1199.
Efficient silicon-based lig ht s ource is one of the most pop-
ular topics in the studies on silicon (Si) photonics that
has attracted many attentions due to its compatibility
with existing semiconductor fabrication techniques. For
this topic, various approaches have b een explored, such
as porous Si
and Si nanocrystals (Si-NCs) in bulk Si-
rich compounds
and multilayers
. Among them,
Si-NCs are holding the a ttention for their strong quan-
tum confinement effects with stable optical properties,
especially when multilayer structure is consider e d as a
method to independently regulate the size and density
of Si-NCs, and improve light emission with substantially
lower driving voltage
. Nevertheless, compared with
that in bulk Si-rich compounds
, the formation of Si-
NCs in ultrathin amorphous Si (a-Si) layers covered with
thin dielectric layers, such as SiO
and Si
, i.e., a-Si
multilayers, has not been widely studied. The existing
cannot well clarify the whole formation pr o-
cess of Si-NCs in multilayers by modeling nucleation and
subsequent growth separately. In this letter, for bet-
ter understanding and control of the Si-NC formation,
a modified mo del is developed to unify the formation
process based on the Gibbs free energy variatio n. Ac-
cording to the calculations using the proposed model, a
lower limit for the a-Si layer thickness and incapability
of constraint on the lateral growth of Si-NCs from the
oxide interfaces are discovered in a-Si/SiO
Furthermore, the model could be readily applied to es-
timate the differences between interfacial free energies,
which correspond to different dielectric materials. By
comparing the results of a-Si/SiO
and a-Si/SiN
layers, we find that the constraint on the Si-NC growth
from the dielectric interfaces depends on the difference
between interfacial free energies.
In genera l, the formation of Si-NCs includes nucleation
and the following growth, induced either by furna ce
annealing or pulsed laser
. Nucleation occurs homoge-
neously in the interior of the uniform amorphous phase
or heterogeneously at preferential sites such as impuri-
ties, interfaces, and defects. After nucleation, Si-NCs
would grow up with sufficient external thermal energy.
Here, we divide the whole formation process into two
successive stages, i.e., pre-touch and post-touch of the
dielectric interfaces. The multilayer is simplified as an
a-Si/dielectric sandwich structure as shown in Figs. 1
and 2. In the pre-touch stage, a Si-NC is assumed to
nucleate symmetrically in the middle of the a-Si layer
with spherical shape with radius r. As in Ref. [9],
spacing l is introduced to s e parate the cr ystal nucleus
from the dielectric interfaces. When the Si-NC keeps
growing up and intersects the top and bottom inter-
faces, the p ost-touch stage will begin. However, it will
be shap e d like a drum with lateral diameter beyond the
layer thickness d. Moreover, we define γ
as the inter-
facial free energy per unit area between the a-Si phase
and the crystalline Si (c-Si) phase, γ
as that between
the dielectric material and the c-Si phas e , and γ
that between the dielectric material and the a- Si phase.
According to the deductions in Ref. [9], we can then
achieve the effective interfacial free energies γ
and γ
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the Si-NC in the pre-touch
2010 Chinese Optics Letters