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The 2011 December Level Four Listening Comprehension section consisted of two short dialogues that were analyzed by the test takers. In the first dialogue, a woman expressed her confusion over the bus schedule to Cleveland. The man suggested that she go to the ticket window and ask the staff for clarification. The correct answer to the question about the man's suggestion was to go and ask the staff. The analysis pointed out that this question was a factual detail question and the dialogue provided the information that the woman was confused about the bus schedule and the man suggested she ask the staff at the ticket window for help. In the second dialogue, a woman expressed her enjoyment of a TV special about giraffes and asked the man if he had been able to watch it. He responded that he had, but he wished he could have stayed awake long enough to see it. The correct answer to the question about the man's feeling was that he wished he could have stayed awake long enough to see it. The analysis highlighted that this question is a factual detail question and the dialogue clearly provided the information that the man wished he could have stayed awake long enough to see the TV special. Overall, the analysis of the 2011 December Level Four Listening Comprehension section indicated that the questions were focused on factual details from the dialogues. Test takers were required to carefully listen to the conversations and understand the specific information being discussed in order to select the correct answers. This section helped assess the test takers' ability to comprehend and extract important details from spoken English.