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摘要: 本文基于Java语言,采用B/S模式设计与实现了一款民宿管理系统。该系统通过对民宿信息、订单管理、用户管理等功能的实现,提供了便捷高效的民宿管理服务。具体包括房源信息的录入和查询、订单的预订和管理、用户的注册和登录等功能。在系统设计中,采用了前后端分离的架构,通过前端页面与后台数据库的交互,实现了系统的功能。通过本系统的设计与实现,可以提高民宿主人和用户的管理效率,为民宿行业的发展提供了便利和支持。 关键词:Java;B/S模式;民宿管理系统;前后端分离;数据库交互 Abstract: Based on Java language, this paper designs and implements a homestay management system using the B/S mode. The system provides convenient and efficient homestay management services through the implementation of functions such as homestay information, order management, and user management. Specific functions include entering and querying room information, booking and managing orders, and registering and logging in users. In the system design, a front-end and back-end separation architecture is adopted, and the interaction between the front-end page and the back-end database realizes the functions of the system. Through the design and implementation of this system, the efficiency of homestay owners and users can be improved, providing convenience and support for the development of the homestay industry.