Research on Electromagnetic Scattering
Characteristics of Strait Composite Random Rough
Surface Based on Improved Hybrid SBR/PO Method
Gao-xiang Zou, Chuang-ming Tong, Wang-meng Liu, Bin Chen, Guang-hui Wu
Air Force Engineering University
Xi’an, 710051, China
Abstract—Due to simplicity, hybridization of shooting and
bouncing ray (SBR) and physical optics (PO) has been widely
used for fast scattering analyses. A composite random rough
surface model is presented for describing the concave structure
of strait environment. Monte Carlo method is used to build strait
composite random rough surface, gauss spectral function is used
to simulate ground part of strait, and Pierson Moskowitz (PM)
spectral function is used to simulate ocean part of strait.
Weighted inverse tangent function is presented to smooth
adjacent region. The ray-density normalization (RDN) theory is
introduced to improve the SBR method. In consideration of the
inartificial cavity construction of strait in natural environment,
the improved SBR/PO is used to calculate the electromagnetic
scattering of the strait composite rough surface. Electromagnetic
scattering characteristics of ground, ocean, and strait composite
random rough surface are compared. The impacts of open area
of strait concave structure on the curves of bistatic scattering
coefficient (BSC) of horizontal-to-horizontal (HH) polarization
of strait environment are analyzed. The influence of root mean
square (RMS) of ground region on BSC of HH polarization is
discussed. The numerical results can use for reference in the
fields of remote sensing, detection and inversion of
electromagnetic environment.
Keywords—strait environment; composite random rough
surface; adjacent region; weighted inverse tangent function;
shooting and bouncing ray; physical optics
The electromagnetic scattering from the natural
environment is always complex, and is of great significance
of in civil and military fields. Research on the electromagnetic
scattering from rough random surface has always been a topic
of great interest [1]-[3]. But those researches mainly focus on
the single environment, such as lawn, desert, mountain and
sea. Strait environment characterizes composite, concave and
complicated. The natural concave structure makes its
electromagnetic scattering characteristics very complex. But
few studies have been reported on electromagnetic scattering
from strait environment. Physical Optics (PO) has been
widely used for huge rough random surface [4][5]. Shooting
and bouncing ray (SBR) is suitable to deal with the problem
about concave structure [6][7].
In this paper, a composite random rough surface model is
presented for describing the concave structure of strait
environment. Weighted inverse tangent function is presented
to smooth adjacent region. The ray-density normalization
theory introduced to improve the SBR method. In
consideration of the inartificial cavity construction of strait in
natural environment, the improved SBR/PO is used to
calculate the electromagnetic scattering of the strait composite
rough surface. The influences of several factors on BSC and
MSC of HH polarization are discussed.
Strait environment characterizes composite, concave and
complicated. The strait environment not only contains land
part, but also contains ocean part. The actual strait
environment is shown as follow
Fig.1 The actual strait environment
We introduce two kinds of spectral function to simulate
the strait environment. Gauss spectral function is used to
simulate ground region. Height profile function of ground