"Saltstack-应用指南: 快速入门与服务器基础架构集中化管理"

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Saltstack是一个功能强大的服务器基础架构集中化管理平台,它具备了配置管理、远程执行和监控等多种功能,可以理解为一个简化版的Puppet和加强版的func。SaltStack是基于Python语言实现的,采用了轻量级消息队列ZeroMQ和Python第三方模块如Pyzmq、PyCrypto、Pyjinjia2、python-msgpack和PyYAML等来构建。通过部署SaltStack环境,我们可以在成千上万台服务器上进行批量执行命令,实现配置集中化管理、文件分发、服务器数据采集和操作系统基础及软件包管理等功能。SaltStack是运维人员提高工作效率、规范业务配置与操作的利器。 Saltstack的快速入门有多种运行方式,包括Local、Master/Minion和Salt SSH。Local方式是在本地主机上执行Salt命令;Master/Minion方式是通过Master服务器和Minion客户端实现远程执行命令的功能;而Salt SSH方式则是通过SSH连接执行Salt命令。这三种运行方式可以根据实际需求选择。 Saltstack具有三大核心功能,分别是远程执行、配置管理和云管理。远程执行功能可以让我们在多台服务器上同时执行同一条命令,大大提高了操作效率。配置管理功能可以实现对不同业务特性的集中化管理和分发文件的功能,使得配置变更更加方便和规范。而云管理功能目前还比较不成熟,但是也有一定的应用场景。 Saltstack支持多种操作系统,包括Centos、Redhat、Debian等。这意味着无论是在什么平台上,我们都可以使用Saltstack来进行管理和执行操作。 总的来说,Saltstack是一个非常强大而且灵活的服务器管理工具。它通过提供统一的平台和丰富的功能,使得运维人员能够更加高效地管理和配置服务器,从而提高工作效率和业务规范性。同时,Saltstack的应用指南也是在实践中逐步总结出来的,对于初学者来说,可以通过快速入门来迅速掌握和应用Saltstack的功能。总之,Saltstack是一款非常值得推荐的服务器管理工具。
2016-12-16 上传
Take charge of SaltStack to automate and configure enterprise-grade environments About This Book Automate tasks effectively, so that your infrastructure can run itself Take advantage of cloud-based services that can expand the capabilities of your own data centers Tackle real-world problems that appear in everyday situations In Detail SaltStack is known as a popular configuration management system, but that barely scratches the surface. It is, in fact, a powerful automation suite, which is designed not only to help you manage your servers, but to help them manage themselves. SaltStack is used worldwide by organizations ranging from just a few servers, to tens of thousands of nodes across data centers in multiple continents. This award-winning software is fast becoming the standard for systems management in the cloud world. This book will take you through the advanced features of SaltStack, bringing forward capabilities that will help you excel in the management of your servers. You will be taken through the the mind of the modern systems engineer, and discover how they use Salt to manage their infrastructures, and why those design decisions are so important. The inner workings of Salt will be explored, so that as you advance your knowledge of Salt, you will be able to swim with the current, rather than against it. Various subsystems of Salt are explained in detail, including Salt SSH, Salt Cloud, and external pillars, filesystems, and job caches. You will be taken through an in-depth discussion of how to effectively scale Salt to manage thousands of machines, and how to troubleshoot issues when things don't go exactly the way you expect them to. You will also be taken through an overview of RAET, Salt's new transport protocol, and given an insight into how this technology improves Salt, and the possibilities that it brings with it.