Transform Coding with Integer-to-Integer Transforms
Vivek K Goyal, Member, IEEE
Abstract—A new interpretation of transform coding is de-
veloped that downplays quantization and emphasizes entropy
coding, allowing a comparison of entropy coding methods with
different memory requirements. With conventional transform
coding, based on computing Karhunen–Loève transform coef-
ficients and then quantizing them, vector entropy coding can
be replaced by scalar entropy coding without an increase in
rate. Thus the transform coding advantage is a reduction in
memory requirements for entropy coding. This paper develops
a transform coding technique where the source samples are first
scalar-quantized and then transformed with an integer-to-integer
approximation to a nonorthogonal linear transform. Among the
possible advantages is to reduce the memory requirement further
than conventional transform coding by using a single common
scalar entropy codebook for all components. The analysis shows
that for high-rate coding of a Gaussian source, this reduction
in memory requirements comes without any degradation of
rate-distortion performance.
Index Terms—Entropy coding, Gaussian sources, memory re-
duction, transform coding.
RANSFORM coding is the most successful and perva-
sive technique for lossy compression of audio, images,
and video. The conventional framework of transform coding
was introduced by Huang and Schultheiss [1]
: one is given a
discrete-time, continuous-valued, vector source with correlated
components; instead of quantizing the components separately,
one uses a linear transform to compute transform coefficients
and scalar-quantizes the transform coefficients. In either case,
entropy codes may be used to improve the coding efficiency.
Transform coding is contrasted to direct quantization in the top
and bottom paths of Fig. 1.
Transform coding is an inherently suboptimal source coding
technique because it uses the Cartesian product of scalar
quantizers, called simply a scalar quantizer. Compared to an
appropriately designed vector quantizer, a scalar quantizer has
a space-filling loss [3], [4] that cannot be neutralized by linear
pre- and post-processing. This is caused by the high second
moment of a cube, as compared to a sphere of the same volume.
On the other hand, transform coding has much lower com-
plexity than less constrained forms of vector quantization. Thus
transform coding is often called a low-complexity alternative
Manuscript received March 16, 1999; revised September 24, 1999. The ma-
terial in this paper was presented in part at the 32nd Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 1–4, 1998.
The author is with the Mathematics of Communications Research Depart-
ment, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
Communicated by P. A. Chou, Associate Editor for Source Coding.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(00)01363-8.
Earlier work by Kramer and Matthews [2] did not include quantization;
hence, it is disconnected from the current practice of transform coding.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a system that produces the three
representations considered in this paper.
to vector quantization. The transform changes coordinates to
improve the performance of scalar quantization.
The discussion above places great emphasis on quantization.
This paper shows that this emphasis is undue. At high rates,
the performance obtained by Huang and Schultheiss can be
matched by a system that quantizes the original source compo-
nents and then uses a transform to reduce scalar entropy (see the
middle path of Fig. 1). This suggests that the value of transform
coding comes not from changing the coordinate system for
quantization, but almost exclusively from decorrelation.
The most important feature of the proposed system is that
the transform is now discrete, not continuous as before. It is
shown that the transform can be designed so that the memory
requirement of the entropy coding block is reduced without sac-
rificing rate-distortion performance. Also, since the source is
immediately discretized, it is not important that it is contin-
uous-valued. Thus the techniques described here can be applied
to discrete-valued sources.
The paper is organizedasfollows: Section II gives an example
of the proposed scheme to provide motivation for the general
framework, which is described in Section III. Section IV sum-
marizes the results.
Let be a Gaussian random vector with mean zero and co-
variance matrix
We will compare three methods for representing with approx-
imately the same mean-squared error (MSE) distortion. These
methods all include uniform scalar quantization; they differ in
their use of transforms, as shown in Fig. 1. Each of the three is
then combined with different forms of entropy coding, yielding
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