Serious Python中文版:选择Python版本与项目启动

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"Serious Python中文版,涵盖了Python项目的启动、版本选择、代码组织和版本控制等内容,特别强调了Python 2与3的兼容性问题和不同Python版本的支持期限。" 在《Serious Python》一书中,作者首先引导读者考虑启动Python项目时的关键决策,例如选择合适的Python版本。Python的版本管理是一个重要的议题,因为不同版本有不同的生命周期和支持期限。Python遵循严格的版本发布策略,每个小版本在发布后18个月进行错误修复,并提供长达5年的安全支持。例如,Python 3.7自2018年发布后,将在新版本发布后的一段时间内继续得到支持,直到鼓励用户迁移到更新的版本,如Python 3.8。 Python 2与Python 3之间的不兼容性是另一个需要关注的点。虽然Python 2.7是Python 2系列的最后一个版本,且仍有一些旧系统依赖它,但随着Python 2.7于2020年后停止支持,新项目应优先考虑使用Python 3。目前,Python 3.7是Python 3系列的最新稳定版本,是开发者应该主要关注的版本。若操作系统已安装Python 3.6或更高版本,项目也需确保在3.6上兼容,因为多数现代操作系统都支持这个版本或更新版本。 此外,书中还提到了项目组织和版本控制。在开始编程之前,合理地组织代码模块能提高代码的可读性和维护性。使用版本控制系统如Git可以帮助管理代码的不同版本,以便追踪更改,协作开发,并轻松回滚到以前的状态。同时,为了确保代码质量,书中提倡采用自动化错误检查工具,如静态代码分析器,来遵循最佳编码实践。 总而言之,《Serious Python》中文版旨在帮助开发者更好地理解Python项目的启动和管理,包括选择合适的Python版本,有效地组织代码,以及运用版本控制和质量保证机制。这本书对于想要深入Python开发的专业人士来说是一份宝贵的参考资料。
2019-03-11 上传
An indispensable collection of practical tips and real-world advice for tackling common Python problems and taking your code to the next level. Features interviews with high-profile Python developers who share their tips, tricks, best practices, and real-world advice gleaned from years of experience. Sharpen your Python skills as you dive deep into the Python programming language with Serious Python. You’ll cover a range of advanced topics like multithreading and memorization, get advice from experts on things like designing APIs and dealing with databases, and learn Python internals to help you gain a deeper understanding of the language itself. Written for developers and experienced programmers, Serious Python brings together over 15 years of Python experience to teach you how to avoid common mistakes, write code more efficiently, and build better programs in less time. As you make your way through the book’s extensive tutorials, you’ll learn how to start a project and tackle topics like versioning, layouts, coding style, and automated checks. You’ll learn how to package your software for distribution, optimize performance, use the right data structures, define functions efficiently, pick the right libraries, build future-proof programs, and optimize your programs down to the bytecode. You’ll also learn how to: Make and use effective decorators and methods, including abstract, static, and class methods Employ Python for functional programming using generators, pure functions, and functional functions Extend flake8 to work with the abstract syntax tree (AST) to introduce more sophisticated automatic checks into your programs Apply dynamic performance analysis to identify bottlenecks in your code Work with relational databases and effectively manage and stream data with PostgreSQL If you’ve been looking for a way to take your Python skills from good to great, Serious Python will help you get there. Learn from the experts and get seriously good at Python with Serious Python!
2023-06-10 上传