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"计算机组成原理复习题〔含答案〕10 道选择题,共 20 分一.名词解释〔5*3=15 分〕1.总线总线是连接多个部件的信息传输线,是各部件共享的传输介质。2.系统总线系统总线指 CPU,主存,I/O 各大部件之间的信息传输线,按系统总线传输信息的不同,分为数据总线,地址总线,控制总线。3.总线判优主要解决在多个主设备在申请占用总线时,由总线控制器仲裁出优先级别最高的设备,允许其占用总线。4.机器字长机器字长是指 CPU 一次能处理数据的位数,通常与 CPU 存放器位数有关。5.周期挪用6.向量地址向量地址是硬件电路〔向量编码器〕产生的中断源的内存中断向量表表项地址编号。7.多重中断多重中断是 CPU 在处理中断的过程中,又出现了新的中断请求,此时假设 C;" In this document, there are 10 multiple-choice review questions with answers related to the principles of computer organization. The questions cover various topics such as bus, system bus, bus arbitration, machine word length, cycle stealing, vector address, and multiple interrupts. The first set of questions focuses on explaining key terms related to computer organization. These terms include bus, system bus, bus arbitration, machine word length, cycle stealing, vector address, and multiple interrupts. The document provides comprehensive explanations for each term, helping readers to deepen their understanding of the concepts. The questions are designed to test the reader's knowledge of computer organization principles and their ability to apply the concepts in practical scenarios. By including answers to the questions, the document serves as a valuable tool for self-assessment and review. Overall, the document serves as a comprehensive review of the principles of computer organization, offering a range of questions that challenge the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, the inclusion of answers allows for immediate feedback, making it an effective study resource for students and professionals aiming to strengthen their knowledge in this area.