106 浏览量
收藏 239KB PPTX 举报
1. Introduction to Inheritance
- Definition of inheritance
- Inheritance in object-oriented programming
- Benefits of inheritance
2. Types of Inheritance
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
3. Implementation of Inheritance in Java
- Syntax for creating a subclass
- Super keyword
- Method overriding
- Accessing superclass members
4. Introduction to Interfaces
- Definition of interfaces
- Difference between classes and interfaces
- Benefits of interfaces
5. Implementation of Interfaces in Java
- Syntax for creating interfaces
- Implementing interfaces in classes
- Multiple interface implementation
- Interface inheritance
6. Comparing Inheritance and Interfaces
- When to use inheritance
- When to use interfaces
- Using both inheritance and interfaces
7. Case Study: Accounting System Design
- Designing classes for accounting system
- Using inheritance for common functionalities
- Using interfaces for specific behaviors
8. Best Practices in Inheritance and Interface Design
- Keeping classes and interfaces simple
- Following the principle of single responsibility
- Avoiding deep inheritance hierarchies
- Using interfaces for flexibility and extensibility
9. Conclusion
- Recap of key concepts in inheritance and interface design
- Importance of proper design in object-oriented programming
- Tips for effective use of inheritance and interfaces
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- 粉丝: 8
- 资源: 58万+
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