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"Manning AspectJ in Action" 是一本实践导向的编程书籍,专为那些希望深入理解并应用AspectJ技术的读者设计。AspectJ 是一种强大的编程语言扩展,它允许开发者将横切关注点(cross-cutting concerns)与业务逻辑分离,从而实现代码的模块化和可维护性。本书由 Ramnivas Laddad 撰写,他是AspectJ领域的专家,以其对领域深入的理解和丰富的实践经验而著称。 本书的核心内容涵盖了AspectJ的基础概念、语法和工具,包括但不限于声明式编程、代理、通知(advice)、切入点(pointcuts)、切面(aspect)以及其在企业级应用中的实际应用场景,如事务管理、日志记录、安全控制等。作者通过实例演示和逐步讲解,帮助读者掌握如何利用AspectJ进行面向切面的设计,提升代码的可复用性和灵活性。 除了理论知识,书中还提供了大量的实战项目,让读者在实践中巩固所学,解决实际开发中的问题。同时,书中还会探讨AspectJ与其他框架(如Spring AOP)的集成,以及如何处理不同场景下的性能优化和问题调试技巧。 Manning Publications 的版权信息强调了所有内容的原创性,要求未经许可不得复制、存储或通过电子方式传输,体现了出版社对于知识产权的尊重。书中的制造商和供应商名称被标记为商标,表明这些术语可能已被注册,反映了行业规范。 "Manning AspectJ in Action" 是一本适合软件开发人员特别是Java开发者提升编程技能,理解和应用AspectJ技术的专业参考书籍,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中收获实用的知识和技能。通过阅读这本书,读者能够更好地组织和管理复杂系统的横切关注点,提高软件开发的质量和效率。
2017-01-02 上传
HIGHLIGHT AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a revised and udated edition, now covering AspectJ 6 and Spring 2.5. It guides Java developers through AOP and AspectJ using practical applications. DESCRIPTION AspectJ shows its real power when combined with Spring. This new edition focuses on Spring-AspectJ integration, which is a major feature of Spring 2.5. Readers will find this edition immensely helpful in answering questions like: What are the ways to leverage these technologies? What applications is AOP suitable for? What are the best practices and traps? Which kind of weaving should you use? When to use Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP? Expert author Ramnivas Laddad shows how to combine technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, Swing, and JDBC with AspectJ. The book fully covers the latest AspectJ 6 features. The applications and reusable code presented in this book show how AOP vastly simplifies enterprise development. This book is for developers who have experience in AOP and AspectJ, but also for those who are new to both. KEY POINTS Thorough coverage of AspectJ syntax Spring integration and weaving models Enterprise applications of AspectJ Monitoring and tracing, transaction management, and security MARKET INFORMATION Aspect Oriented Programming has found its way into the mainstream of Java development - most notably through Spring and a variety of JBoss technologies. AspectJ is by far the most widely recognized tool for AOP, and its recent integration into Spring 2.5 creates a strong motivation for the millions of Spring users to take a closer look at AOP and AspectJ.