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In the Tastewise 2021 US edition report on the top 10 food trends, nutrition hacking emerges as a prominent theme with customized nutritional dishes and meals gaining consumer interest. As the year 2021 began, various trends started to take shape in the food industry. One of the trends highlighted in the report is "Global Heads Local," where diverse players are joining the fight against kitchen boredom by incorporating ingredients from various cuisines around the world. Additionally, ingredients from Eastern cuisines are showing promising growth, indicating a growing interest in international flavors. Another trend identified in the report is "Food for Mood," emphasizing the importance of the experiential aspect of eating. Consumers are seeking foods that not only nourish their bodies but also uplift their spirits and enhance their overall eating experience. Purposeful cocktails also make their mark as a trend for 2021, with functional benefits being incorporated into alcoholic beverages to provide consumers with more than just a traditional drinking experience. These trends reflect a shift towards a more holistic approach to food and dining, where consumers are not only focused on taste but also on the nutritional benefits and experiential aspects of their meals. With the food industry constantly evolving, it is important for businesses to stay abreast of these trends and adapt their offerings to meet the changing demands of consumers. By understanding and catering to these emerging trends, companies can better position themselves to succeed in the competitive food market of 2021 and beyond.