精通NHibernate 4.0第二版:配置与实践全览

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《NHibernate 4.0Cookbook 第二版》是由 Alexander Zaytsev、Gunnar Liljas 和 Jason Dentler 联合撰写的IT技术书籍,出版于2017年2月6日,由Packt Publishing发行。该书共501页,是NHibernate 4.0系列的第二修订版,适合深入理解和实践NHibernate框架的开发者阅读。NHibernate是一个流行的对象关系映射(ORM)框架,用于简化Java应用程序与关系数据库之间的数据交互。 本书的主要内容围绕NHibernate的核心概念和配置展开,包括: 1. **配置与Schema**:介绍了如何安装NHibernate,以及配置方式,如使用`hibernate.cfg.xml`文件、`App.config`或`Web.config`、甚至是FluentNHibernate等工具进行配置。这部分着重讲解了NHibernate架构,例如其核心组件如SessionFactory、Mapping和Session对象的作用。 - **配置方法**:详细阐述了传统的XML配置,包括Dialects(方言)和Drivers的选择,以及如何通过代码动态配置,以适应不同的数据库需求。 - **架构理解**:帮助读者理解NHibernate的工作原理,包括持久化上下文、会话管理和对象生命周期管理。 2. **实践指导**:书中包含大量的“如何做”(How to do it...)和“工作原理”(How it works...)部分,引导读者通过实例操作掌握NHibernate的用法。这部分内容涵盖了从基础设置到复杂场景的解决方案,有助于读者在实际项目中应用所学知识。 3. **扩展资源**:书后的“还有更多”(There's more...)通常链接到相关的参考资料,如Seealso章节,提供进一步的学习路径和NHibernate生态系统中的其他工具和最佳实践。 4. **附录和社区支持**:提供了作者、审稿人的介绍,以及读者反馈、版权信息、错误报告机制、反盗版声明、问题解答等内容,体现了作者对读者参与和持续支持的重视。 总体而言,《NHibernate 4.0 Cookbook 第二版》是一本实用的指南,适合希望提升NHibernate技能、解决实际开发中问题的开发者阅读,无论是初次接触NHibernate的开发者,还是想要深入了解其最新版本特性的技术专家,都能从中获益良多。
2017-01-24 上传
Book Description Angular 2 introduces an entirely new paradigm of applications. It wholly embraces all the newest concepts that are built into the next generation of browsers, and it cuts away all the fat and bloat from Angular 1. This book plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts for you to conquer. Alongside the book's Angular 2 content, it covers the new ES6 syntax, TypeScript conventions, Web Components, and RxJS observables, among many other brand new ideas to add to your toolkit. Make no mistake; Angular 2 is difficult, especially if you're discovering new technologies and standards for the first time. This book covers all the most complicated concepts the framework has, and at the same time introduces the best practices with which to wield these powerful tools. It also covers in detail all the concepts that will get you building applications faster. Oft-neglected topics such as testing and performance are rigorously covered too. This book will guide you so you understand Angular 2 from top to bottom, ready to let you. What you will learn Understand how to best move an Angular 1 application to Angular 2 Build a solid foundational understanding of the core elements of Angular 2 such as components, forms, and services Gain an ability to wield complex topics such as Observables and Promises Properly implement applications utilizing advanced topics such as dependency injection Know how to maximize the performance of Angular 2 applications Understand the best ways to take an Angular 2 application from TypeScript in a code editor to a fully function application served on your site Get to know the best practices when organizing and testing a large Angular 2 application