Chord Chord
File System
Block Store Block Store Block Store
Client Server
Figure 1: Structure of an example Chord-based distributed
storage system.
machine is only occasionally available, they can offer to store
others’ data while they are up, in return for having their data
stored elsewhere when they are down. The data’s name can
serve as a key to identify the (live) Chord node responsible
for storing the data item at any given time. Many of the
same issues arise as in the Cooperative Mirroring applica-
tion, though the focus here is on availability rather than load
Distributed Indexes to support Gnutella- or Napster-like keyword
search. A key in this application could be derived from the
desired keywords, while values could be lists of machines
offering documents with those keywords.
Large-Scale Combinatorial Search, such as code breaking. In
this case keys are candidate solutions to the problem (such as
cryptographic keys); Chord maps these keys to the machines
responsible for testing them as solutions.
Figure 1 shows a possible three-layered software structure for a
cooperative mirror system. The highest layer would provide a file-
like interface to users, including user-friendly naming and authenti-
cation. This “file system” layer might implement named directories
and files, mapping operations on them to lower-level block opera-
tions. The next layer, a “block storage” layer, would implement
the block operations. It would take care of storage, caching, and
replication of blocks. The block storage layer would use Chord to
identify the node responsible for storing a block, and then talk to
the block storage server on that node to read or write the block.
4. The Base Chord Protocol
The Chord protocol specifies how to find the locations of keys,
how new nodes join the system, and how to recover from the failure
(or planned departure) of existing nodes. This section describes a
simplified version of the protocol that does not handle concurrent
joins or failures. Section 5 describes enhancements to the base pro-
tocol to handle concurrent joins and failures.
4.1 Overview
At its heart, Chord provides fast distributed computation of a
hash function mapping keys to nodes responsible for them. It uses
consistent hashing [11, 13], which has several good properties.
With high probability the hash function balances load (all nodes
receive roughly the same number of keys). Also with high prob-
ability, when an
node joins (or leaves) the network, only an
fraction of the keys are moved to a different location—
this is clearly the minimum necessary to maintain a balanced load.
Figure 2: An identifier circle consisting of the three nodes 0, 1,
and 3. In this example, key 1 is located at node 1, key 2 at node
3, and key 6 at node 0.
Chord improves the scalability of consistent hashing by avoid-
ing the requirement that every node know about every other node.
A Chord node needs only a small amount of “routing” informa-
tion about other nodes. Because this information is distributed, a
node resolves the hash function by communicating with a few other
nodes. In an
-node network, each node maintains information
only about
other nodes, and a lookup requires
Chord must update the routing information when a node joins or
leaves the network; a join or leave requires
4.2 Consistent Hashing
The consistent hash function assigns each node and key an
identifier using a base hash function such as SHA-1 [9]. A node’s
identifier is chosen by hashing the node’s IP address, while a key
identifier is produced by hashing the key. We will use the term
“key” to refer to both the original key and its image under the hash
function, as the meaning will be clear from context. Similarly, the
term “node” will refer to both the node and its identifier under the
hash function. The identifier length
must be large enough to
make the probability of two nodes or keys hashing to the same iden-
tifier negligible.
Consistent hashing assigns keys to nodes as follows. Identifiers
are ordered in an identifier circle modulo
. Key
is assigned to
the first node whose identifier is equal to or follows (the identifier
in the identifier space. This node is called the successor node
of key
, denoted by successor
. If identifiers are represented as
a circle of numbers from
, then
is the
first node clockwise from
Figure 2 shows an identifier circle with
. The circle has
three nodes: 0, 1, and 3. The successor of identifier 1 is node 1, so
key 1 would be located at node 1. Similarly, key 2 would be located
at node 3, and key 6 at node 0.
Consistent hashing is designed to let nodes enter and leave the
network with minimal disruption. To maintain the consistent hash-
ing mapping when a node
joins the network, certain keys previ-
ously assigned to
’s successor now become assigned to
. When
leaves the network, all of its assigned keys are reassigned
’s successor. No other changes in assignment of keys to nodes
need occur. In the example above, if a node were to join with iden-
tifier 7, it would capture the key with identifier 6 from the node
with identifier 0.
The following results are proven in the papers that introduced
consistent hashing [11, 13]:
THEOREM 1. For any set of
nodes and
keys, with high
1. Each node is responsible for at most