Kali Linux秘籍中文版:安装与启动指南

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《Kali Linux Cookbook》中文版是一本专为IT安全领域提供深入指南的书籍,由Willie L. Pritchett和David DeSmet撰写,翻译者为飞龙。本书主要围绕Kali Linux进行讲解,这是一款针对渗透测试和安全攻击设计的Linux发行版,继承了BackTrack Linux的传统。不同于一般的Linux发行版,Kali Linux旨在帮助读者理解和实践安全评估技术。 第一章“安装和启动Kali”是全书的开端,介绍了如何在不同环境下安装Kali Linux。首先,作者强调了使用64位GNOME作为默认窗口管理器,尽管书中并未涵盖KDE的使用方法,但读者可以自行尝试。为了顺利安装,需要确保至少8GB的磁盘空间(推荐25GB以上以容纳额外工具和词汇表),以及512MB的内存。安装过程需通过Live DVD进行,以避免对硬盘的破坏,并将Kali Linux设为主操作系统。 安装步骤包括: 1. 使用Kali Linux Live DVD启动,选择图形化安装模式。 2. 在安装过程中,根据提示进行语言选择。 后续章节涵盖了多个关键主题,如定制Kali Linux以适应个人需求、创建高级测试环境、信息收集、漏洞评估、漏洞利用、权限提升、密码攻击和无线攻击等。每章都详细地介绍了各种安全工具和技术的使用方法,适合希望深入学习网络安全的读者。 此外,该书提供了多种格式的电子版供读者选择,如PDF、EPUB和MOBI,便于不同设备上的阅读。书中还提供了GitHub链接,便于获取更新和源代码。同时,译者鼓励读者通过Git@OSC赞助或遵循CCBY-NC-SA 4.0协议进行分享和学习。 《Kali Linux Cookbook》中文版是一部实用且全面的安全教程,不仅适合专业安全人员,也对初学者具有很高的参考价值,可以帮助读者掌握和提升网络安全技能。
2018-10-11 上传
安全渗透测试 [Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018.pdf](https://itbooks.pipipan.com/fs/18113597-314061726) Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd Edition pdf Discover the most common web vulnerabilities and prevent them from becoming a threat to your site's security Key Features Familiarize yourself with the most common web vulnerabilities Conduct a preliminary assessment of attack surfaces and run exploits in your lab Explore new tools in the Kali Linux ecosystem for web penetration testing Book Description Web applications are a huge point of attack for malicious hackers and a critical area for security professionals and penetration testers to lock down and secure. Kali Linux is a Linux-based penetration testing platform that provides a broad array of testing tools, many of which can be used to execute web penetration testing. Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook gives you the skills you need to cover every stage of a penetration test – from gathering information about the system and application, to identifying vulnerabilities through manual testing. You will also cover the use of vulnerability scanners and look at basic and advanced exploitation techniques that may lead to a full system compromise. You will start by setting up a testing laboratory, exploring the latest features of tools included in Kali Linux and performing a wide range of tasks with OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite and other web proxies and security testing tools. As you make your way through the book, you will learn how to use automated scanners to find security ?aws in web applications and understand how to bypass basic security controls. In the concluding chapters, you will look at what you have learned in the context of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and the top 10 web application vulnerabilities you are most likely to encounter, equipping you with the ability to combat them effectively. By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills you need to identify, exploit, and prevent web application vulnerabilities. What you will learn Set up a secure penetration testing laboratory Use proxies, crawlers, and spiders to investigate an entire website Identify cross-site scripting and client-side vulnerabilities Exploit vulnerabilities that allow the insertion of code into web applications Exploit vulnerabilities that require complex setups Improve testing efficiency using automated vulnerability scanners Learn how to circumvent security controls put in place to prevent attacks Who this book is for Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook is for IT professionals, web developers, security enthusiasts, and security professionals who want an accessible reference on how to find, exploit, and prevent security vulnerabilities in web applications. The basics of operating a Linux environment and prior exposure to security technologies and tools are necessary.