校园网二手交易系统开发与设计-技术B/S模式-基于JSP/J2EE和SQL Server-详细设计与测试-高使用价值-参考文献-...
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and publish the secondhand transaction information through the browser, which eliminates the complex installation, configuration, and maintenance operations of the traditional C/S mode. Moreover, this system uses the object-oriented Java language, so it also has the characteristics of object-oriented programming, platform independence, high security, stability, multi-threading, and network programming support. This system has high practical value.
The system development is mainly divided into three parts: using JavaBeans to process business logic, JSP HTML JavaScript for interface processing, and configuring Servlet to access the SQL Server 2000 database through the JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
The system has the following features:
1. Registration and login: users can register and log in to the system to manage their personal information and complete transactions.
2. Browse and publish products: users can browse the secondhand products available in the system and publish their own products for sale.
3. Search and filter: users can search for specific products and filter the search results by category, price, etc.
4. Communication between buyers and sellers: users can communicate with each other through the message function to negotiate transaction details.
5. Transaction management: users can manage their own transactions, including confirming orders, modifying orders, and providing feedback after completion.
6. Administration and management: administrators have authority to manage user information, product information, and system settings.
In this paper, the author first introduces the background and significance of the campus-wide secondhand transaction system. Then, the structure and arrangement of the thesis are explained, including the development technologies used. The requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, and functional analysis of the system are also discussed. The business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, and data flow diagram are presented in detail. The system design, screenshots of the implemented system, and the testing process are described. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary of the project, acknowledgments, and a list of references.
Keywords: JSP, JavaBeans, Java, B/S

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