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The "blissfully-全球SaaS趋势报告" provides a comprehensive analysis of the current global trends in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) usage and adoption. According to the report, SaaS spending and adoption rates continue to rise, with companies investing more in SaaS than in traditional hardware such as laptops. The average employee is also found to be using at least eight different SaaS applications, indicating a significant reliance on cloud-based software solutions.
One of the key findings of the report is the decentralized nature of SaaS usage across organizations. It is observed that every department within a typical organization utilizes SaaS applications, leading to a complex web of subscriptions and ownership. This has led to the emergence of orphaned and duplicate subscriptions, highlighting the need for better management and oversight of SaaS usage within companies.
The report also introduces the concept of the "SaaS graph," which maps the connections between SaaS applications and individual users within an organization. This mapping allows for a better understanding of the relationships between apps and employees, and can be used to identify areas of inefficiency or redundancy in SaaS usage.
Overall, the "blissfully-全球SaaS趋势报告" paints a picture of a rapidly evolving SaaS landscape, with a high rate of change in the SaaS stack of the typical organization over the past two years. As SaaS continues to play an increasingly important role in the modern workplace, it is essential for companies to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in order to make informed decisions about their SaaS usage and investment.
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