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Pay System Design of WH Company based on Analyze, and elaborates the most popular performance pay design techniques and applications in China today. With the increasing emphasis on performance-based compensation systems in organizations, designing an effective system has become crucial for attracting, motivating, and retaining top talent. This paper delves into the theoretical foundations of performance pay design and provides a comprehensive analysis of WH Company's current system. By identifying key areas for improvement, the paper proposes a new performance pay system that aligns with the company's strategic goals and objectives. The proposed system integrates best practices in performance management, compensation, and rewards to create a comprehensive and sustainable framework for motivating employees and driving organizational success. Through a detailed discussion of the design methodology, implementation plan, and evaluation criteria, this paper offers a roadmap for WH Company to enhance its competitive advantage and achieve long-term success in a dynamic business environment. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on performance pay system design and provides practical insights for organizations looking to optimize their compensation strategies. Keywords: Performance Pay System Design.
2023-07-07 上传
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