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The traditional battery chargers have always been charging batteries with high currents without analyzing the charging status, which often leads to polarization of the battery and reduces the efficiency and lifespan of the battery. To address this issue, this paper presents the design of an intelligent battery charger based on a single-chip microcontroller ADuC824. The charger controls the charging process by outputting PWM pulse waves according to the charging status of the battery, enabling trickle charging, constant current charging, constant voltage charging, and float charging in four stages for lead-acid batteries. The current charging status can also be displayed through the output port of the microcontroller, and the charging process is automatically terminated when the battery is fully charged, with the buzzer alerting the user. This design achieves intelligent charging for batteries, improving efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of batteries. Key words: intelligent charger, ADuC824, TL494, lead-acid battery.
2023-06-28 上传
2023-07-09 上传
125 浏览量
2021-09-18 上传
2023-06-28 上传
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