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"《掌握面向对象的Python:2014年四月版》是一本深入讲解Python面向对象编程的权威指南。作者Steven F. Lott以其丰富的经验和深入理解,引领读者探索Python中的对象导向编程精髓,以构建强大且实用的现实世界应用。本书旨在帮助读者掌握Python中的类、对象、继承、封装和多态等核心概念,以及如何有效地设计和实现面向对象的解决方案。 书中涵盖了大量实践案例和理论分析,从基础概念如类的定义和实例化,到高级主题如策略模式和装饰器的使用。通过阅读本书,读者将学会如何利用Python的面向对象特性来提高代码的复用性、可维护性和模块化,从而提升软件开发的效率。 值得注意的是,版权方面,所有内容受2014年Packt Publishing的版权保护,未经出版商书面许可,禁止任何形式的复制、存储或传输。尽管作者和出版社已经尽力确保信息的准确性,但书中的信息不带有任何明示或暗示的保修,且不对因本书造成的直接或间接损害承担责任。 此外,书中还提及了商标信息的正确使用,但出版社并不能保证其准确性。《掌握面向对象的Python》是一本适合初学者进阶和经验丰富的开发者深化理解的宝贵资源,对于想要在Python领域进行面向对象编程实践的专业人士来说,这是一本不可多得的参考书籍。"
2014-07-29 上传
python 的面向对象教程。 This book will introduce you to more advanced features of the Python programming language. The focus is on creating the highest quality Python programs possible. This often means creating programs that have the highest performance or are the most maintainable. This means exploring design alternatives and determining which design offers the best performance while still being a good fit with the problem that is being solved. Most of the book will look at a number of alternatives for a given design. Some will have better performance. Some will seem simpler or be a better solution for the problem domain. It's essential to locate the best algorithms and optimal data structures to create the most value with the least computer processing. Time is money, and programs that save time will create more value for their users. Python makes a number of internal features directly available to our application programs. This means that our programs can be very tightly integrated with existing Python features. We can leverage numerous Python features by ensuring that our OO designs integrate well. We'll often focus on a specific problem and examine several variant solutions to the problem. As we look at different algorithms and data structures, we'll see different memory and performance alternatives. It's an important OO design skill to work through alternate solutions in order to properly optimize the final application. One of the more important themes of this book is that there's no single best approach to any problem. There are a number of alternative approaches with different attributes.