通过Web应用学习TypeScript 3及前端框架

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TypeScript是JavaScript的一个超集,它在JavaScript的基础上添加了静态类型系统和现代编程语言特性,以增强开发过程中的类型安全性和代码组织。本书不仅介绍了TypeScript的类型系统,还覆盖了Angular、Vue、React和NestJS等流行的Web开发框架,帮助读者掌握这些框架的关键概念和功能。 首先,本书将引导读者了解TypeScript的强大类型系统。TypeScript的类型系统是其最核心的特性之一,它能够在编译阶段就能检测出许多常见的编程错误,使得开发过程更加高效和稳定。类型系统还能为变量、函数和对象等提供类型注解,从而使得代码更加易于理解和维护。 接着,书中详细介绍了如何在Angular、React、Vue.js和NestJS等框架中使用TypeScript。Angular是一个由Google支持的全面的框架,它不仅提供了丰富的组件,还通过TypeScript增强了类型安全。React是一个以声明式UI和组件化为特点的库,而Vue.js则是一个轻量级的框架,提供了简洁易用的API。NestJS是一个渐进式Node.js框架,它利用TypeScript的优势来构建可靠的后端应用。通过本书的学习,读者将能够理解这些框架的架构理念,并且能够熟练地在实际项目中运用它们。 处理异步进程是Web开发中的常见需求,本书中也有专门的章节讲解如何使用Promises、async/await、Fetch API以及RxJS等技术来处理异步操作。这些技术可以提高应用程序的响应性和性能,是现代Web应用不可或缺的一部分。 在Web应用程序开发中,与后端服务的交互是核心功能之一。本书还会教授如何深入研究REST和GraphQL这两种主要的API设计方法,并使用Apollo等客户端库与之交互。RESTful API已经成为构建Web服务的标准方法,而GraphQL则提供了一种更高效、更强大的数据查询语言。Apollo客户端则是一个强大的库,它可以轻松地将Web应用与这些API连接起来。 最后,书中探讨了现代Web开发中的测试概念,技术和工具。测试是确保代码质量的重要环节,它能够帮助开发者在开发过程中及时发现和修复错误。本书将介绍测试驱动开发(TDD)、行为驱动开发(BDD)和端到端测试(E2E)等方法论,以及如何使用Jest等测试框架进行自动化测试。 综上所述,本书《通过构建Web应用程序学习TypeScript 3》通过大量的实战案例,向读者展示了如何高效地利用TypeScript开发高质量的Web应用程序,并且掌握相关前端和后端开发技术。通过学习本书,读者将能够成为Web开发领域的TypeScript专家,并能够更好地理解和使用现代JavaScript生态系统中的各种工具和框架。"
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Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue Gain in-depth knowledge of TypeScript and the latest ECMAScript standards by building robust web applications across different domains Key Features Apply the cutting-edge features of TypeScript 3.0 to build high-performance, maintainable applications Learn through practical examples of using TypeScript with popular frameworks, such as Angular and React Focus on building high-quality applications that are modular, scalable and adaptable Book Description With the demand for ever more complex websites, the need to write robust, standard-compliant JavaScript has never been greater. TypeScript is modern JavaScript with the support of a first-class type system, which makes it simpler to write complex web systems. With this book, you'll explore core concepts and learn by building a series of websites and TypeScript apps. You'll start with an introduction to TypeScript features that are often overlooked in other books, before moving on to creating a simple markdown parser. You'll then explore React and get up to speed with creating a client-side contacts manager. Next, the book will help you discover the Angular framework and use the MEAN stack to create a photo gallery. Later sections will assist you in creating a GraphQL Angular Todo app and then writing a Socket.IO chatroom. The book will also lead you through developing your final Angular project which is a mapping app. As you progress, you'll gain insights into React with Docker and microservices. You'll even focus on how to build an image classification program with machine learning using TensorFlow. Finally, you'll learn to combine TypeScript and C# to create an ASP.NET Core-based music library app. By the end of this book, you'll be able to confidently use TypeScript 3.0 and different JavaScript frameworks to build high-quality apps.