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“C/C++程序员的Lua快速入门指南,作者RobertZ,2010年发布,旨在帮助有经验的C/C++程序员理解和掌握Lua的独特特性和编程模式。” 本文档是一份针对C/C++程序员的Lua快速入门指南,旨在帮助读者理解Lua与C/C++的不同之处,以及这些差异如何影响编程思维。文档分为初阶、进阶和高阶三个部分,建议读者按照顺序逐步学习,但对于标记有“*”的章节,如面向对象(OO)在Lua中的实现,可以跳过,但作者建议完整阅读以获取更全面的知识。 在初阶部分,文档首先介绍了Lua的八种基本数据类型: 1. 数值(number):使用double表示,覆盖了浮点数和整数。 2. 字符串(string):与C字符串不同,它是字符序列,支持更多操作。 3. 布尔(boolean):只有true和false两种值。 4. 函数(function):作为基本对象,与C的函数和指针不同,是Lua的核心概念。 5. 表(table): Lua的哈希表,能存储多种类型的键值对,是Lua的多用途数据结构。 6. userdata:用于存储C用户定义的数据结构,脚本用户只能读取,不能创建。 7. 线程(thread):表示Lua的协作线程,与抢占式线程不同。 8. nil:表示空或不存在,不同于C的NULL,不能当作空指针使用。 在介绍数据类型后,文档进一步讲解了函数。Lua函数可以返回多个值,如示例所示,`function foo(a, b, c)` 返回 `sum` 和 `c`。这与C/C++不同,C/C++函数通常只能返回一个值,多值返回需通过其他机制实现,如数组或结构体。 此外,Lua的表是一种强大的构造,它可以作为数组、集合、字典或其他复杂数据结构使用。表可以使用任何不可变类型(包括函数)作为键,这使得表成为实现各种功能的基础。 对于想将Lua整合到C/C++项目中的开发者,了解这些基础知识至关重要,因为Lua提供了与C的接口,允许直接调用C函数和创建C数据结构的用户数据。这使得Lua可以作为嵌入式脚本语言,用于扩展C/C++程序的功能。 由于篇幅限制,本文档并未深入探讨所有Lua函数,而是鼓励读者在阅读时参考Lua的官方文档和其他相关资料。作者还提供了在线更新的版本和一个开源的Lua调试器RLdb,以及一个讨论Lua的站点,为读者提供持续学习和交流的平台。 这份指南为C/C++程序员提供了一个快速了解和掌握Lua的入口,通过学习,他们可以利用Lua的灵活性和强大功能来扩展和增强他们的软件项目。
2018-06-08 上传
Build web applications with MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, and Node Key Features Build applications with the MERN stack Work with each component of the MERN stack Become confident with MERN and ready for more! Book Description The MERN stack is a collection of great tools—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node—that provide a strong base for a developer to build easily maintainable web applications. With each of them a JavaScript or JavaScript-based technology, having a shared programming language means it takes less time to develop web applications. This book focuses on providing key tasks that can help you get started, learn, understand, and build full-stack web applications. It walks you through the process of installing all the requirements and project setup to build client-side React web applications, managing synchronous and asynchronous data flows with Redux, and building real-time web applications with Socket.IO, RESTful APIs, and other concepts. This book gives you practical and clear hands-on experience so you can begin building a full-stack MERN web application. Quick Start Guides are focused, shorter titles that provide a faster paced introduction to a technology. They are for people who don't need all the detail at this point in their learning curve. The presentation has been streamlined to concentrate on the things you really need to know. What you will learn Get started with the MERN stack Install Node.js and configure MongoDB Build RESTful APIs with Express.js and Mongoose Build real-time applications with Socket.IO Manage synchronous and asynchronous data flows with Redux Build web applications with React Who this book is for The book is for JavaScript developers who want to get stated with the MERN Stack. Table of Contents Introduction to MERN stack Building a Web Server with ExpressJS Building a RESTful API Building a Live Query API server Managing Synchronous and Asynchronous data flow with Redux Building Web Applications with React
2023-06-01 上传

function class(classname, ...) local cls = {__cname = classname} local supers = {...} for _, super in ipairs(supers) do local superType = type(super) assert(superType == "nil" or superType == "table" or superType == "function", string.format("class() - create class \"%s\" with invalid super class type \"%s\"", classname, superType)) --异常捕获 if superType == "function" then assert(cls.__create == nil, string.format("class() - create class \"%s\" with more than one creating function", classname)); -- if super is function, set it to __create cls.__create = super elseif superType == "table" then if super[".isclass"] then -- super is native class assert(cls.__create == nil, string.format("class() - create class \"%s\" with more than one creating function or native class", classname)); cls.__create = function() return super:create() end else -- super is pure lua class cls.__supers = cls.__supers or {} cls.__supers[#cls.__supers + 1] = super if not cls.super then -- set first super pure lua class as class.super cls.super = super end end else error(string.format("class() - create class \"%s\" with invalid super type", classname), 0) end end cls.__index = cls if not cls.__supers or #cls.__supers == 1 then setmetatable(cls, {__index = cls.super}) else setmetatable(cls, {__index = function(_, key) local supers = cls.__supers for i = 1, #supers do local super = supers[i] if super[key] then return super[key] end end end}) end if not cls.ctor then -- add default constructor cls.ctor = function() end end cls.new = function(...) local instance if cls.__create then instance = cls.__create(...) else instance = {} end setmetatableindex(instance, cls) instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end cls.create = function(_, ...) return cls.new(...) end return cls end

2023-07-14 上传