evaluated on different modalities of medical imagining as
shown in Fig. 1. The contributions of this work can be
summarized as follows:
1) Two new models RU-Net and R2U-Net are introduced for
medical image segmentation.
2) The experiments are conducted on three different
modalities of medical imaging including retina blood vessel
segmentation, skin cancer segmentation, and lung
3) Performance evaluation of the proposed models is
conducted for the patch-based method for retina blood vessel
segmentation tasks and the end-to-end image-based approach
for skin lesion and lung segmentation tasks.
4) Comparison against recently proposed state-of-the-art
methods that shows superior performance against equivalent
models with same number of network parameters.
The paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses related
work. The architectures of the proposed RU-Net and R2U-Net
models are presented in Section III. Section IV, explains the
datasets, experiments, and results. The conclusion and future
direction are discussed in Section V.
Semantic segmentation is an active research area where
DCNNs are used to classify each pixel in the image
individually, which is fueled by different challenging datasets
in the fields of computer vision and medical imaging [23, 24,
and 25]. Before the deep learning revolution, the traditional
machine learning approach mostly relied on hand engineered
features that were used for classifying pixels independently. In
the last few years, a lot of models have been proposed that have
proved that deeper networks are better for recognition and
segmentation tasks [5]. However, training very deep models is
difficult due to the vanishing gradient problem, which is
resolved by implementing modern activation functions such as
Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) or Exponential Linear Units
(ELU) [5,6]. Another solution to this problem is proposed by
He et al., a deep residual model that overcomes the problem
utilizing an identity mapping to facilitate the training process
In addition, CNNs based segmentation methods based on
FCN provide superior performance for natural image
segmentation [2]. One of the image patch-based architectures is
called Random architecture, which is very computationally
intensive and contains around 134.5M network parameters.
The main drawback of this approach is that a large number of
pixel overlap and the same convolutions are performed many
times. The performance of FCN has improved with recurrent
neural networks (RNN), which are fine-tuned on very large
datasets [27]. Semantic image segmentation with DeepLab is
one of the state-of-the-art performing methods [28]. SegNet
consists of two parts, one is the encoding network which is a
13-layer VGG16 network [5], and the corresponding decoding
network uses pixel-wise classification layers. The main
contribution of this paper is the way in which the decoder up-
samples its lower resolution input feature maps [10]. Later, an
improved version of SegNet, which is called Bayesian SegNet
was proposed in 2015 [29]. Most of these architectures are
explored using computer vision applications. However, there
are some deep learning models that have been proposed
specifically for the medical image segmentation, as they
consider data insufficiency and class imbalance problems.
One of the very first and most popular approaches for
semantic medical image segmentation is called “U-Net” [12].
A diagram of the basic U-Net model is shown in Fig. 2.
According to the structure, the network consists of two main
parts: the convolutional encoding and decoding units. The basic
convolution operations are performed followed by ReLU
activation in both parts of the network. For down sampling in
the encoding unit, 2×2 max-pooling operations are performed.
In the decoding phase, the convolution transpose (representing
up-convolution, or de-convolution) operations are performed to
up-sample the feature maps. The very first version of U-Net was
used to crop and copy feature maps from the encoding unit to
the decoding unit. The U-Net model provides several
advantages for segmentation tasks: first, this model allows for
the use of global location and context at the same time. Second,
it works with very few training samples and provides better
performance for segmentation tasks [12]. Third, an end-to-end
pipeline process the entire image in the forward pass and
directly produces segmentation maps. This ensures that U-Net
preserves the full context of the input images, which is a major
advantage when compared to patch-based segmentation
approaches [12, 14].