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"Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems" 是一本由Richard C. Aster、Brian Borchers和Clifford H. Thurber合著的教材,属于国际地球物理学系列的第90卷。这本书旨在帮助地质科学的学生和专业人士理解如何从包含误差的有限观察数据中推导出物理模型,并评估模型的质量。书中深入探讨了反演理论的基本概念和解决逆问题的实用算法,适合具有微积分、线性代数和统计学基础的研究生和高级本科生阅读。 在"Parameter Estimation"这一主题中,作者们讨论了估计参数的重要性,这是许多科学领域中的核心问题。参数估计涉及到确定一个模型中的未知量,这些未知量可以是物理系统、过程或现象的关键特性。例如,在地球物理学中,可能需要估计地壳的厚度、地下结构的密度或者地震波速度等参数。通过收集观测数据,如地震波的传播时间、地形测量或遥感图像,科学家可以运用统计方法来估算这些参数。 "Inverse Problems"则是一个更复杂的领域,它关注的是从观测数据中推断出隐藏的物理过程或模型。逆问题通常是非线性的,且可能有多个解,因此解决它们需要数学技巧和计算方法。书中可能涵盖了包括最优化技术(如梯度下降法、Levenberg-Marquardt算法)、正则化方法(如Tikhonov正则化)以及蒙特卡洛模拟等在内的多种策略。这些方法帮助限制可能的模型解空间,防止过拟合,并提高模型的预测能力。 此外,书中可能还讨论了不确定性量化和模型验证的重要概念。由于实际观测数据总是存在误差,理解这些误差对参数估计和模型性能的影响至关重要。作者可能会介绍如何使用统计工具,如协方差分析和贝叶斯推理,来量化不确定性并评估模型的可信度。 "Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems"为读者提供了深入理解如何处理和解决地球科学中复杂逆问题的理论框架和实践工具。通过学习本书,读者将能够运用各种方法解决实际的地质和地球物理问题,从而更好地理解我们星球的内部结构和动态。
2015-08-17 上传
This textbook evolved from a course in geophysical inverse methods taught during the past two decades at New Mexico Tech, first by Rick Aster and, subsequently, jointly between Rick Aster and Brian Borchers. The audience for the course has included a broad range of first- or second-year graduate students (and occasionally advanced under- graduates) from geophysics, hydrology, mathematics, astrophysics, and other disciplines. Cliff Thurber joined this collaboration during the production of the first edition and has taught a similar course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Our principal goal for this text is to promote fundamental understanding of param- eter estimation and inverse problem philosophy and methodology, specifically regarding such key issues as uncertainty, ill-posedness, regularization, bias, and resolution. We emphasize theoretical points with illustrative examples, and MATLAB codes that imple- ment these examples are provided on a companion website. Throughout the examples and exercises, a web icon indicates that there is additional material on the website. Exercises include a mix of applied and theoretical problems. This book has necessarily had to distill a tremendous body of mathematics and science going back to (at least) Newton and Gauss. We hope that it will continue to find a broad audience of students and professionals interested in the general problem of estimating physical models from data. Because this is an introductory text surveying a very broad field, we have not been able to go into great depth. However, each chapter has a “notes and further reading” section to help guide the reader to further explo- ration of specific topics. Where appropriate, we have also directly referenced research contributions to the field. Some advanced topics have been deliberately left out of this book because of space limitations and/or because we expect that many readers would not be sufficiently famil- iar with the required mathematics. For example, readers with a strong mathematical background may be surprised that we primarily consider inverse problems with discrete data and discretized models. By doing this we avoid much of the technical complexity of functional analysis. Some advanced applications and topics that we have omitted include inverse scattering problems, seismic diffraction tomography, wavelets, data assimilation, simulated annealing, and expectation maximization methods. We expect that readers of this book will have prior familiarity with calculus, dif- ferential equations, linear algebra, probability, and statistics at the undergraduate level. In our experience, many students can benefit from at least a review of these topics, and we commonly spend the first two to three weeks of the course reviewing material from