Xcode 4深度探索:第二版

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"EN_Xcode 4 Unleashed, 2nd Edition.pdf" 《Xcode 4 Unleashed》第二版是一本专为iOS和Mac开发人员深入理解和掌握Xcode所编写的权威指南。作者Fritz Anderson通过这本书揭示了Xcode 4的全部潜力,包括其细微差别和高级功能,旨在帮助开发者提升开发效率。这本书对于新手和经验丰富的开发者来说都是极具价值的资源。 书中的赞誉强调了Xcode在iOS和Mac开发中的核心地位,经常被忽视,但对开发者来说至关重要。Tony Hillerson指出,理解Xcode及其各种特性是提高开发效率的关键,而《Xcode 4 Unleashed》提供了这样的帮助。Duncan Champney则推荐这本书,认为它涵盖了Xcode最新版本的重大变化,无论是新手还是资深开发者,都能从中受益。 在《Xcode 3 Unleashed》的赞誉中,读者Cortis Clark表示该书对任何认真对待Mac编程的人来说都是极好的资源,他计划经常参考。另一位有着七年MacOS X开发经验的读者也提到,书中详尽的构建指导和整体概述给他带来了许多新知识。 Xcode 4 Unleashed第二版的内容可能包括以下关键知识点: 1. **Xcode基础**:介绍Xcode的界面、工作流程和项目设置,帮助初学者快速上手。 2. **Interface Builder**:详细讲解如何使用Interface Builder设计用户界面,与代码集成。 3. **Objective-C和Cocoa**:深入理解Objective-C语言以及Cocoa框架,这是iOS和Mac开发的基础。 4. **构建系统和自动化**:介绍构建过程、配置文件和构建脚本,以及如何利用Xcode的自动化工具提高效率。 5. **调试技术**:涵盖断点、日志、内存检测等调试技巧,帮助开发者找到并修复问题。 6. **测试和性能分析**:讲解单元测试、集成测试以及性能分析工具的使用。 7. **版本控制**:介绍Xcode内置的源代码管理(如Git)及其使用方法。 8. **国际化和本地化**:如何使应用程序适应多种语言和文化环境。 9. **App Store发布**:指导如何准备、提交和更新应用程序到App Store。 10. **高级主题**:可能包括自定义构建阶段、插件开发、持续集成等进阶内容。 这本书全面覆盖了Xcode 4的各个方面,对于想要精通Xcode的开发者来说,是不可或缺的学习资料。通过深入学习,开发者可以更好地利用Xcode的高级特性,优化开发流程,从而提升整体项目质量和效率。


Xcode 4 Unleashed 2nd Edition Publisher: Sams; 2 edition (May 18, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0672333279 ISBN-13: 978-0672333279 In Xcode 4 Unleashed, renowned Mac/iOS developer Fritz Anderson shows how to use Apple’s powerful new Xcode 4 integrated development environment to develop outstanding software with the least effort possible. Anderson demonstrates Xcode 4 by walking through the construction of three full applications: a command-line tool, an iOS app, and a Mac OS X application. These case-study projects offer practical insights and realistic best practices for efficiently utilizing Xcode 4 in day-to-day development. Next, he drills down to offer an even deeper understanding of Xcode 4’s most powerful capabilities. Through practical examples, he shows experienced Apple developers how to move to Xcode 4’s “browser” model from older document-based approaches. You’ll also find thorough, up-to-the-minute coverage of key tasks ranging from builds and profiling to documentation. He concludes with a chapter-length roundup of “tips, traps, and features” for maximizing your productivity with Xcode 4—whether you’re writing iOS apps or Mac applications, working solo, or as part of a large development team. Detailed information on how to… Get started fast with Xcode 4 project workflow Master Xcode 4’s new features and development paradigms Construct modern iOS and Mac user interfaces with Interface Builder Implement Model-View-Controller designs in iOS apps Use Storyboard to specify an iOS app’s entire structure in one file Leverage Xcode’s first-class unit testing and measurement tools Master the essentials of iOS provisioning Use Mac OS X bindings to simplify the link between data and screen Quickly localize Mac and iOS software for new languages and markets Package and share subprograms that can be integrated into any OS X application Use the Xcode Build System to move from source files to executable products Fully understand and optimize performance and resource usage
112 浏览量
Sams Publishing, 2012/5/7 - 552 頁 In Xcode 4 Unleashed, renowned Mac/iOS developer Fritz Anderson shows how to use Apple’s powerful new Xcode 4 integrated development environment to develop outstanding software with the least effort possible. Anderson demonstrates Xcode 4 by walking through the construction of three full applications: a command-line tool, an iOS app, and a Mac OS X application. These case-study projects offer practical insights and realistic best practices for efficiently utilizing Xcode 4 in day-to-day development. Next, he drills down to offer an even deeper understanding of Xcode 4’s most powerful capabilities. Through practical examples, he shows experienced Apple developers how to move to Xcode 4’s “browser” model from older document-based approaches. You’ll also find thorough, up-to-the-minute coverage of key tasks ranging from builds and profiling to documentation. He concludes with a chapter-length roundup of “tips, traps, and features” for maximizing your productivity with Xcode 4—whether you’re writing iOS apps or Mac applications, working solo, or as part of a large development team. Detailed information on how to… Get started fast with Xcode 4 project workflow Master Xcode 4’s new features and development paradigms Construct modern iOS and Mac user interfaces with Interface Builder Implement Model-View-Controller designs in iOS apps Use Storyboard to specify an iOS app’s entire structure in one file Leverage Xcode’s first-class unit testing and measurement tools Master the essentials of iOS provisioning Use Mac OS X bindings to simplify the link between data and screen Quickly localize Mac and iOS software for new languages and markets Package and share subprograms that can be integrated into any OS X application Use the Xcode Build System to move from source files to executable products Fully understand and optimize performance and resource usage
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