
需积分: 9 2 下载量 81 浏览量 更新于2024-03-22 1 收藏 1.16MB DOC 举报
Based on the document "Wastewater Treatment Control System Design based on S7-200PLC," the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) method is highlighted as an effective medium and small-scale wastewater treatment approach. The core of the SBR wastewater treatment process monitoring system is a programmable logic controller (PLC). PLC is a new, versatile automatic control device that integrates computer technology, automatic control technology, and communication technology. Programmable logic controllers have become the most important, reliable, and widely used industrial control microcomputers. They offer strong functionality, high reliability, flexible and convenient use, easy programming, and adaptability to industrial environments, representing the direction of modern industrial development. In this system design, the key focus is on wastewater treatment, the SBR process, hardware configuration, and software design. The S7-200PLC is employed to control and monitor the various stages of wastewater treatment in an SBR system. The hardware components are selected and configured to ensure smooth operation and efficiency in sewage treatment processes. Additionally, the software design involves programming the PLC to execute specific commands for wastewater treatment, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the system's operations. Overall, the integration of S7-200PLC in wastewater treatment control systems offers a reliable, efficient, and flexible solution for monitoring and managing sewage treatment processes. The SBR method, supported by PLC technology, demonstrates the advancement in industrial automation and control systems, ultimately contributing to the improvement of environmental sustainability through effective wastewater treatment.