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本文主要介绍了基于java医用物资信息管理系统设计与实现的毕业设计。随着网络技术的快速发展,计算机网络技术在各行各业都被应用。为了更好地管理医用物资信息,本文采用jsp语言和MySQL数据库进行系统的开发和数据存储,旨在开发一个方便人们使用的医用物资信息管理系统。系统的设计方法和步骤进行了分析,功能模块设计,系统原理和技术讲解,功能实现和测试等方面进行了详细讨论。最终目标是为人们提供一个方便、快捷的管理服务系统,更好地满足人们的需求。关键词包括医用物资信息管理,java,数据库,系统等。 Overall, this paper aimed to introduce the design and implementation of the medical supplies information management system based on Java. With the rapid development of network technology, computer network technology is widely used in various industries. In order to better manage medical supplies information, this paper used JSP language and MySQL database for system development and data storage, aiming to develop a convenient medical supplies information management system for people to use. The paper analyzed the system's design methods and steps, functional module design, system principles and technologies, and discussed the implementation and testing of the system in detail. The ultimate goal was to provide people with a convenient and efficient management service system to better meet their needs. Keywords included medical supplies information management, Java, database, and system.