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In recent years, the precise and rapid localization of human faces in static complex background gray scale images has become an urgent issue. In response to this challenge, Wang Hongqun and other researchers have proposed the Ellipse Arrow Algorithm, which leverages edge curves in images to quickly determine the region containing a human face. This method aims to reduce the search space of face detection algorithms, thereby improving their speed and efficiency.
This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the principles behind the Ellipse Arrow Algorithm, focusing on the characteristics of ellipses and demonstrating how this algorithm is implemented using the C programming language in the Microsoft Visual C 6.0 environment. By utilizing edge information and the properties of ellipses, the algorithm is able to accurately locate human faces in cluttered images, providing an effective solution to the challenging problem of face detection in complex backgrounds.
Keywords: face detection, edge information, Ellipse Arrow Algorithm.
294 浏览量
138 浏览量
2023-06-28 上传
102 浏览量
2021-10-08 上传
2022-11-15 上传
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