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clearly understanding "what to do", including business analysis, business process analysis, and use case analysis, further clarifying the system requirements. Then, on the basis of understanding the system requirements, it is necessary to further design the system, including software architecture patterns, overall functional modules, and database design. The software architecture of this project chooses the B/S model and Java technology, and the overall functional modules use a top-down layering approach. Then, the system implementation and code writing to implement functionality. The final chapter of the paper summarizes the author's experience and conclusions in completing this paper and developing this project. Through the local food sharing website, the efficiency of local food sharing in various aspects will be substantially improved.
Keywords: B/S model; Java technology; local food sharing; software architecture.
2023-04-25 上传
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2024-03-06 上传
2024-06-05 上传
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2025-01-10 上传

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