Modeling Curly Hair based on Static Super-Helices
Fei Shao
, Xingce Wang
, Qianqian Jiang
, Zhongke Wu
, Mingquan Zhou
College of Information Science & Technology, Beijing Normal University, P.R.C
Beijing, China
Figure 1: simulation of hair of various types
Abstract—In the field of computer graphics and human
simulation, hair simulation is one of the most challenging
physics and rendering problem. This paper presents a curly
hair modeling utilizing the Nelder-Mead method and being
based on the ball B-Spline Curves(BBSCs). The ball B-Spline
Curves (BBSCs) is used to reconstruct hair model and the
Nelder-Mead method is for calculating the equilibrium shape
of each hair. The main advantages of our method used in this
experiment are: (1) We construct hair model for each
individual hair. (2) It can provide a wide range of curly hair
types with the BBSCs for its good properties that it is flexible
for modifying, editing and deforming. (3) The method can
obtain efficient curly hair type because of the fast calculation
and easy implementation of Nelder-Mead method. The
hypothesis in this paper is supported by several credible
evidences and the model can be widely used in the similar
systems (e.g. fabrics, green fields).
Keywords: curly hair modeling; super-helices; ball b-spline
curve; nelder-mead method
Hair simulation is one of the most challenging projects in
the field of computer graphic and simulation. It is difficult to
construct a model, let alone modeling for each individual
hair and considering various hairstyles. Hair simulation is
widely used in many ways, for instance, in the film and
animation, hair simulation is a basic element of the
individual reconstruction. It can also be widely used in hair
design and beauty industry. Comparing with the straight hair,
curly hair is more difficult to simulate due to the intrinsic
properties of human natural hair.
There is a long history of hair simulation in Computer
Graphic, some authors use meshes to simulate hair [1], they
interpret hair model as a surface, and some authors
considered hair behaves as a collective [2]. The main
drawback of the above models is that the intricate collisions
and interaction with small objects cannot be accurately
presented. In this paper, we attempt to simulate many
individual hairs with the BBSC which is simple but also can
model twist curly hair.
As Magnenat-Thalmann and Hadapsuo[3] ’s paper
described, hair simulation can be generally divided into three
topics: static hair modeling, dynamic simulation of hair and
hair rendering. Static hair modeling refers to simulating the
entire static characteristics, such as the geometric
characteristics of the hair, the thickness of the hair, the
volume distribution of different hairstyles and the trend of
hair. Static hair modeling technique can split into three
categories: based on the geometry, based on physics and
based on image. The method based on geometry use the
parametric method to represent the surface of hair [1][4-6],
which consider hair as a thin cylinder that can be interpreted
as full parameters [7-9], but this method needs a lot of user
interactions to input parameters. The method based on
physics only need to control critical parameters, which
reduce user interactions. It uses the theory of fluid mechanics
2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds
978-1-4673-9403-1/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CW.2015.49
2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds
978-1-4673-9403-1/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CW.2015.49
2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds
978-1-4673-9403-1/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CW.2015.49