TMS FlexCel VCL & FMX v7.8 安装步骤详解

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本文档详细介绍了如何安装TMS FlexCel VCL & FMX v7.8 的过程,这是一款面向DELPHI 10.4环境的开发工具包,主要包含了一系列的库文件和组件。安装步骤如下: 1. 首先,需要将下载的TMS FlexCel VCL & FMX v7.8压缩包解压到指定目录,如`D:\TMSFlexCelVCL&FMXv7.8`。这个目录包含了所有软件的源代码(如Core, Draw, Gdiplus等)、PDF、XLS适配器、Render、Report等模块,以及支持的Visual和ZLib库。 2. 其次,文档提到的`packages\dsydney`目录下有`FlexCel.groupproj`项目文件,这是构建过程中可能需要用到的项目组合,包括不同平台的编译结果,如Win32的Release版本。此外,还有一系列以`.bpl`结尾的库文件,这些是Delphi项目中的可链接库,对于构建基于TMS FlexCel的项目至关重要。例如,FlexCel_Core270.bpl、VCL_FlexCel_Core270.bpl、FMX_FlexCel_Core270.bpl等,分别代表核心功能的不同组件。 3. 文件结构中提到的`D:\TMSFlexCelVCL&FMXv7.8\Packages\dSydney\bpl\Win32Ŀ¼BPLļ`路径下存放的是针对Win32平台的编译后的BPL文件,这些文件通常在安装时会被自动引用,用于减少运行时的依赖问题。 4. 为了确保安装成功并能与Delphi Studio 21.0兼容,文档建议将这些BPL文件复制到用户文档目录下的Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\BplĿ¼目录下。这样做的目的是为了让Delphi IDE能够找到并使用这些库文件,便于开发者在项目中集成TMS FlexCel的功能。 本篇文档提供了TMS FlexCel VCL & FMX v7.8的完整安装指南,包括所需文件结构、编译项目文件和配置Delphi IDE的过程,这对于希望在DELPHI 10.4环境中使用这款控件的开发者来说,是一份重要的参考材料。安装时需要注意保持文件路径的正确性,并且确保IDE的BPL路径设置正确,以便在开发过程中顺利调用和使用各种功能模块。
2016-08-15 上传
提倡共享精神.需要什么破解版的控件可以站内站我.大部分都能搞定. Feature overview: FlexCel for VCL / FireMonkey is a suite of Delphi components allowing to manipulate Excel files. It includes an extensive API allowing to natively read/write Excel files. If you need to read or create complex spreadsheets, on Windows or macOS on machines without Excel installed, Flexcel can do the job. Support for cross platform use: Win32, Win64, macOS, iOS and Android 100% Native support for Excel .XLSX, .XLSM file formats (Excel 2007 - Excel 2013) 100% Native support for Excel 2 - Excel 2016 100% Native PDF report generation from .XLS/.XLSX files (PDF/A 1, 2 and 3 support) 100% Native support for previewing and printing .XLS/.XLSX files Fully standards compliant HTML 5 file generation from .XLS/.XLSX files Export .XLS & .XLSX files to SVG Report Engine that allows to create complex reports using Excel as your report designer, so your final users can modify them. You can use images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and almost anything you can think of on those reports Support for formula recalculation with over 200 Excel formulas ApiMate tool for automatically showing needed Delphi/C++ code for generating specific .XLS/.XLSX file cells with Flexcel Templates can be embedded inside your exe. No additional files to distribute Can write images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and almost the complete Excel feature set in native mode Designed from start to make full use of modern Delphi features like records with methods or generics. Also available as a fully managed .NET library