
需积分: 9 0 下载量 175 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 302KB DOCX 举报
The implementation of encryption software (Java) based on the Misty1 algorithm is a crucial development in the field of information security. In this paper, the background and significance of the research are discussed, along with a review of the current state of research on a global scale. The research methodology employed in this study is also outlined. The Misty1 algorithm is described in detail, including the key generation process, data randomization, and the functions involved in the algorithm such as FI, FO, and FL functions. The algorithm's application in file encryption is analyzed, and its implementation is outlined. The design process, graphical user interface, and event handling are also discussed in detail. The software's implementation is demonstrated, and the results and existing issues are presented and analyzed. Through testing, the correctness of the implementation method is verified. In conclusion, the development of encryption software based on the Misty1 algorithm in Java is a significant contribution to information security in the current era of rapid technological advancement. The software provides a means of encrypting and decrypting files, thereby enhancing the security of sensitive information in the digital environment. The study serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of information security. Lastly, the paper includes a list of references and acknowledgments to individuals or institutions that have contributed to the successful completion of the research and development of the software.