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The 2005-2006 academic year fall semester final exam for the course "Operating System Analysis and Experiment" at Zhejiang University included 100 questions, with a strict requirement of only allowing students to bring in 3 sheets of A4 paper. The exam was held by the Computer School and Software School, with a duration of 120 minutes. The exam format was limited open-book, with only the 3 sheets of paper allowed for reference. The exact date of the exam was not specified, but it was hosted by an unknown teacher. The exam required students to select the best answer for each question. The exam covered a wide range of topics related to operating systems, including questions about the characteristics of different operating systems, such as UNIX. One question asked about the nature of UNIX, where students had to choose between options such as time-sharing, batched-processing, uniprogramming, and real-time. Another question tested students' knowledge of historical operating systems, asking which among a list of OSes was the oldest. Overall, the exam was designed to assess students' understanding of operating system concepts and their ability to apply that knowledge to solve practical problems. Students were expected to demonstrate their understanding of key operating system principles and to apply that knowledge to answer a variety of questions. The exam format of multiple-choice questions required students to carefully evaluate each option and select the best answer, showcasing their ability to think critically and make informed decisions based on their understanding of operating system concepts.