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With the increasing use of fire and electricity in modern homes, the frequency of home fires is also gradually increasing. In order to improve the safety of home fires, smoke alarms, as an important safety device, are widely used in various occasions. This design is based on the C51 single-chip microcomputer and sensor technology to develop a smoke alarm system. The system is mainly composed of smoke sensors, the C51 single-chip microcomputer main control circuit, and peripheral device circuits. The sensor monitors the smoke concentration in the environment in real-time, and the microcontroller processes the data and triggers an alarm. This paper provides a detailed introduction to the various components of the smoke alarm system, including the interface technology between the main control circuit and peripheral device circuit, as well as the key points of software design.
Keywords: alarm, C51 single-chip microcomputer, smoke sensor
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- 粉丝: 785
- 资源: 4万+
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