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The demand for wireless communication is growing rapidly as a result of the rapid development of network and communication technology. Various short-range wireless communication technologies play an increasingly important role in the fields of automation and home informationization. The development of these short-range wireless communication data transmission methods will better serve people's work and life, making communication more convenient.
This paper mainly studies several common short-range wireless communication data transmission methods and elaborates on the widely used Bluetooth, IEEE802.11 series wireless LAN, UWB, HomeRF, ZigBee, and infrared transmission technologies. The paper analyzes their advantages, disadvantages, and implementation methods, compares their technical similarities and differences, and discusses the issues to be aware of when choosing and using these technologies.
In addition, this paper further explores the implementation methods of UWB, a wireless technology standard with great development potential. The application prospects of UWB are analyzed and predicted.
Keywords: short-range wireless communication, wireless networks, Bluetooth, UWB, infrared
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