Lei et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
(2018) 2018:122
Page 3 of 14
Fig. 2 The structure of R-FCN
lower efficiency. This process significantly improves the
detection speed of the entire model. However, it can only
determine the target’s general location instead of the spe-
cific power component’s position. Overall, this model has
a low recognition rate when the power components are
occluded. Thus, it cannot meet the on-site requirements
for power component identification.
2.2 Power station identification based on R-FCN method
The target detection of the regional-based full convolu-
tional network [22] is divided into two steps: position-
ing a target and then classifying the target to a specific
category. First, R-FCN model uses a rudimentary con-
volutional network to generate a feature map. Then, the
regional feature map is used to generate the feature map
before and after the full map is constructed. The model
determines the target’s outline by searching and filtering
[23] scene images through these feature maps. Finally, the
classification framework recognizes the target.
Figure 2 demonstrates the structure of R-FCN model.
The target image is passed through a basic convolutional
network to generate feature maps and input these feature
maps into a full-volume network to generate a score bank
of position-sensitive score maps. The results of the basic
convolutional network go through the RPN network to
generate RoI. For a RoI of size w × h (obtained by the RPN
network), the target frame is divided into k × k subar-
eas, each subarea is of size w × h/k2. For anyone subarea
i, j
, j ≤ k − 1, define a location-sensitive pooling
(i, j|∇) =
(x + x
, y + y
|∇) (1)
where r
(i, j|∇) isthepooledresponseofsubareabin(i, j)
to c categories and z
stands for a location-sensitive
score map corresponding to subarea bin(i, j). x
+ y
represents the coordinates of the upper left corner of
the target candidate box, n isthenumberofpixelsin
subarea bin(i, j),and∇ represents all the learned param-
eters of the network. The model calculates the average
of pooled response output r
(i, j|∇) for k × k sub-
regions and uses the softmax regression classification
method to obtain the probability that it belongs to each
R-FCN integrates the target’s position information into
ROI pooling by position-sensitive score map, which solves
the problem that the ROI pooling of Faster-RCNN net-
work has no translation invariance. Thus, this model
improves the accuracy of target detection and classifi-
cation so that the operating efficiency of the model is
significantly superior. However, it is evident that the R-
FCN model still cannot detect the specific location of
the target and lacks the robustness to the scene of power
components with many interfering objects.
3 Recognition of power components based on
Although the Faster-RCNN and R-FCN methods improve
the processing speed and accuracy of part identification
models, they cannot refine the specific contours of power
components so that live working robots cannot accurately
identify components’ orientations through such methods.
Fig. 3 The structure of Mask LSTM-CNN