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"Expert Oracle Database Architecture 2nd Ed" 《Expert Oracle Database Architecture 2nd Ed》是著名Oracle专家Tom Kyte的力作,这本书在第二版中继续深入探讨如何利用Oracle Database构建可扩展且性能卓越的应用程序,确保正确性。Tom Kyte认为,你可以将Oracle视为一个黑盒,简单地存储数据,也可以深入了解其工作原理并充分利用它作为一个强大的计算环境。通过后者,你会发现几乎没有什么信息管理问题不能迅速而优雅地解决。 此书针对Oracle Database 11g进行了全面更新,采用证明式示例教学法,不仅解释每个特性的概念,还讲解其工作原理、如何实现相关软件以及与之相关的常见陷阱。书中的内容涵盖了从9i到11g的Oracle数据库编程技术与解决方案。 Tom Kyte的这本书受到了高度评价,被赞誉为帮助读者充分利用Oracle技术的重要书籍。书中充满了对Oracle技术的深度洞察,对于想要成为更好的技术思考者来说,遵循Tom的理性方法论和求证实例的实践精神是非常有益的。 书中的内容可能包括但不限于以下方面: 1. Oracle数据库架构:深入解析Oracle的数据存储、查询处理、事务管理等核心组件。 2. 性能优化:介绍如何通过索引、查询优化器、分区、物化视图等手段提升系统性能。 3. 并发控制:讨论行级锁定、多版本并发控制(MVCC)和死锁检测机制。 4. 存储设计:涵盖表空间、段、区和块的设计原则,以及如何优化物理存储布局。 5. 高可用性:探讨备份与恢复策略、数据复制技术如RAC和Data Guard。 6. 错误处理与调试:提供处理错误和陷阱的方法,以及如何进行有效的性能监控和问题定位。 7. 新特性解析:详细介绍从9i到11g版本新增的功能及其应用。 8. 应用程序开发:指导如何编写高效、健壮的SQL和PL/SQL代码。 通过阅读本书,读者不仅可以理解Oracle数据库的工作原理,还能学习到如何避免常见问题,从而更有效地利用Oracle数据库解决实际问题。无论是数据库管理员、开发人员还是系统架构师,都能从中受益匪浅。
2018-04-27 上传
The inspiration for the material contained in this book comes from my experiences developing Oracle software, and from working with fellow Oracle developers to help them build reliable and robust applications based on the Oracle database. The book is basically a reflection of what I do every day and of the issues I see people encountering each and every day. I covered what I felt was most relevant, namely the Oracle database and its architecture. I could have written a similarly titled book explaining how to develop an application using a specific language and architecture—for example, one using JavaServer Pages that speaks to Enterprise JavaBeans, which in turn uses JDBC to communicate with Oracle. However, at the end of the day, you really do need to understand the topics covered in this book in order to build such an application successfully. This book deals with what I believe needs to be universally known to develop successfully with Oracle, whether you are a Visual Basic programmer using ODBC, a Java programmer using EJBs and JDBC, or a Perl programmer using DBI Perl. This book does not promote any specific application architecture; it does not compare three tier to client/server. Rather, it covers what the database can do and what you must understand about the way it works. Since the database is at the heart of any application architecture, the book should have a broad audience. As the title suggests, Expert Oracle Database Architecture concentrates on the database architecture and how the database itself works. I cover the Oracle database architecture in depth: the files, memory structures, and processes that comprise an Oracle database and instance. I then move on to discuss important database topics such as locking, concurrency controls, how transactions work, and redo and undo, and why it is important for you to know about these things. Lastly, I examine the physical structures in the database such as tables, indexes, and datatypes, covering techniques for making optimal use of them.