December 28, 2009 9:59 Classification and Clustering clustering
2 Graph Classification and Clustering Based on Vector Space Embedding
algorithm. Yet, formulating a pattern recognition problem in an algorith-
mic way provides us with the possibility to delegate the task to a machine.
This can be particularly interesting for very complex as well as for cumber-
some tasks in b oth science and industry. Examples are the prediction of
the properties of a certain molecule based on its structure, which is known
to be very difficult, or the reading of handwritten payment orders, which
might become quite tedious when their quantity reaches several hundreds.
Such examples have evoked a growing interest in adequate modeling of
the human pattern recognition ability, which in turn led to the establish-
ment of the research area of pattern recognition and related fields, such as
machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence [4]. The ultimate
goal of pattern recognition as a scientific discipline is to develop methods
that mimic the human capacity of perception and intelligence. More pre-
cisely, pattern recognition as computer science discipline aims at defining
mathematical foundations, models and methods that automate the process
of recognizing patterns of diverse nature.
However, it soon turned out that many of the most interesting prob-
lems in pattern recognition and related fields are extremely complex, often
making it difficult, or even impossible, to specify an explicit programmed
solution. For instance, we are not able to write an analytical program to
recognize, say, a face in a photo [5]. In order to overcome this problem,
pattern recognition commonly employs the so called learning methodology.
In contrast to the theory driven approach, where precise specifications of
the algorithm are required in order to solve the task analytically, in this
approach the machine is meant to learn itself the concept of a class, identify
objects, and discriminate between them.
Typically, a machine is fed with training data, coming from a certain
problem domain, whereon it tries to detect significant rules in order to
solve the given pattern recognition task [5]. Based on this training set
of samples and particularly the inferred rules, the machine becomes able
to make predictions about new, i.e. unseen, data. In other words, the
machine acquires generalization power by learning. This approach is highly
inspired by the human ability to recognize, for instance, what a dog is,
given just a few examples of dogs. Thus, the basic idea of the learning
methodology is that a few examples are sufficient to extract important
knowledge about their respective class [4]. Consequently, employing this
approach requires computer scientists to provide mathematical foundations
to a machine allowing it to learn from examples.
Pattern recognition and related fields have become an immensely im-