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aces have achieved unmanned or intelligent control. Temperature and humidity are common controlled parameters in daily production, so the control of temperature and humidity is quite important for the intelligence and automation of daily production in industry and agriculture. 89C51 series single chip microcomputer is introduced in this design. The temperature and humidity control system designed in this paper can use the single chip microcomputer to real-time detect and analyze the collected temperature and humidity data, and make timely judgments, thus realizing the intelligence and automation of temperature and humidity control. The temperature data is collected by the temperature sensor DS18B20, which converts the collected data into digital quantities and then sent to the single chip microcomputer for processing. The humidity data is collected by the humidity sensor HS1101, and then converted by A/D conversion, and the digital quantity is sent to the single chip microcomputer for data processing. At the same time, the combination of voice alarm circuit and digital display circuit in case of equipment failure will help the duty personnel to understand the specific values of temperature and humidity and remind the maintenance personnel to take corresponding measures in time. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which briefly introduces the background, significance and domestic and international development status of the topic. The second part is the design of the overall solution of the system, mainly through comparing and analyzing various solutions to finally determine the best solution for this design. The third part introduces the main unit circuits, including temperature measurement and control circuit, humidity measurement and control circuit, digital display circuit, alarm circuit, and peripheral circuit of 51 single chip microcomputer. The fourth part introduces the main components, including temperature sensor DS18B20, humidity sensor HS1101, and 51 single chip microcomputer. The fifth part is the conclusion, which gives a high-level summary of this paper.
Keywords: temperature, humidity, intelligence, research, temperature and humidity control system based on 51 single chip microcomputer
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