The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 533–558 537
Table 3
across analyses of systematic uncertainties in the signal prediction affecting the event yield in the signal region and the reconstructed diboson invariant mass
distribution. A“yes” signifies 100% correlation, and “no” means uncorrelated.
Source Quantity 8 and 13 TeV e and μ HP and LP W-, Z-, and H-enriched
Lepton trigger yield no no yes yes
Lepton identification yield no no yes yes
Lepton momentum scale yield, shape no no yes yes
Jet energy scale yield, shape no yes yes yes
Jet energy resolution yield, shape no yes yes yes
Jet mass scale yield no yes yes yes
Jet mass resolution yield no yes yes yes
b tagging yield no yes yes yes
W tagging
(HP/LP) yield no yes yes yes
Integrated luminosity yield no yes yes yes
Pileup yield no yes yes yes
PDF yield yes yes yes yes
and μ
scales yield yes yes yes yes
previously obtained in the same models as those considered in this
letter and a reinterpretation is not needed.
4. Combination procedure
We search for a peak on top of a falling background spectrum
by means of a fit to the data. The likelihood function is con-
using the diboson invariant mass distribution in data, the
background prediction, and the resonant line-shape, to assess the
presence of a potential diboson resonance. We define the likeli-
function L as
L(data | μ s(θ) +b(θ)) = P (data | μ s(θ ) +b(θ )) p(
θ|θ), (1)
where “data” stands for the observed data; θ represents the full
ensemble of nuisance parameters; s(θ ) and b(θ ) are the expected
signal and background yields; μ is a scale factor for the signal
strength; P(data | μ s(θ) + b (θ )) is the product of Poisson prob-
over all bins of diboson invariant mass distributions in
all channels (or over all events for channels with unbinned dis-
and p(
θ|θ) is the probability density function for all
nuisance parameters to measure a value
given its true value θ
[52]. After maximizing the likelihood function, the best-fit value
of μ = σ
corresponds therefore to the ratio of the
best-fit signal cross section σ
to the predicted cross section
, assuming that all branching fractions are as predicted by
the relevant signal models.
The treatment of the background in the maximum likelihood
fit depends on the analysis channel. In the qqqq, qqbb, and 6q
the parameters in the background function are left float-
in the fit, such that the background prediction is obtained
simultaneously with μ, in each hypothesis [15]. In the remaining
analyses (νqq, qq, bb, νbb, ννbb), the background is esti-
using sidebands in data, and the uncertainties related to
its parametrized distribution are treated as nuisance parameters
constrained through Gaussian probability density functions in the
fit [14]. The likelihoods from all analysis channels are combined.
The asymptotic approximation [53] of the CL
criterion [54,55]
used to obtain limits on the signal scale factor μ that take into
account the ratio of the theoretical predictions for the production
cross sections at 8 and 13 TeV.
uncertainties in the signal and background yields
are treated as nuisance parameters constrained through log-normal
probability density functions. All such parameters are profiled (re-
as a function of the parameter of interest μ) in the maxi-
of the likelihood function. When the likelihoods from dif-
analysis channels are combined, the correlation of system-
effects across those channels is taken into account by treating
the uncertainties as fully correlated (associated with the same nui-
parameter) or fully uncorrelated (associated with different
nuisance parameters). Table 3 summarizes which uncertainties are
treated as correlated among 8 and 13 TeV analyses, e and μ chan-
HP and LP categories, and mass categories enriched in W,
Z, and Higgs bosons in the combination. Additional categorization
within individual analyses is described in their corresponding pa-
The nuisance parameters treated as correlated between 8 and
13 TeV analyses are those related to the parton distribution func-
(PDFs) and the choice of the factorization (μ
) and renormal-
) scales used to estimate the signal cross sections. The
signal cross sections and their associated uncertainties are reevalu-
for this combination at both 8 and 13 TeV, estimating thereby
their full impact on the expected signal yield rather than just the
impact on the signal acceptance. The PDF uncertainties are evalu-
using the NNPDF 3.0 [56] PDFs. The uncertainty related to the
choice of μ
and μ
scales is evaluated following [57,58] by chang-
the default choice of scales in six combinations of (μ
, μ
) by
factors of (0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 1), (1, 0.5), (2, 2), (2, 1), and (1, 2). The
experimental uncertainties are all treated as uncorrelated between
8 and 13 TeV analyses. The case where the most important uncer-
are treated as fully correlated among 8 and 13 TeV analyses
has been studied and found to have negligible impact on the re-
After the combined fit, no nuisance parameter was found to
differ significantly from its expectation and from the fit result in
individual analyses.
5. Results
We evaluate the combined significance of the 8 and 13 TeV
searches for all signal hypotheses. The ATLAS Collaboration
reported an excess in the all-jet VV → qqqqsearch, corresponding
to a local significance of 3.4 standard deviations (s.d.) for a W
with a mass of 2TeV [21]. Similarly, the CMS experiment
reported a local deviation of 2.2 s.d. in the lepton+jet WH →νbb
for a W
resonance with a mass of 1.8 TeV [16]. The present
combination does not confirm these small excesses (within the
context of the models considered), as the highest combined sig-
in the mass range of the reported excesses is found to
be for a W
resonance at 1.8 TeV with a local significance of 0.8
standard deviations.
In the following, we present for each channel 95% CL exclusion
limits on the signal strength μ in Eq. (1), expressed as the exclu-
limit on the ratio σ
of the signal cross section to
the predicted cross section, assuming that all branching fractions
are as predicted by the relevant signal models.