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"这篇论文是关于动态视差遮挡映射技术,并且包含了近似软阴影的实现方法,显著提升了视觉效果,与传统的法线贴图技术相比有显著改进。作者Natalya Tatarchuk在2006年的I3D(International Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games)会议上发表,展示了如何在实时渲染中应用这种技术来创建更逼真的城市场景。" 在计算机图形学中,视差贴图技术是一种增强表面纹理深度感的方法,它通过模拟物体表面的微小几何变化来增加立体感。传统的法线贴图只能提供表面的法线信息,而视差贴图则通过计算像素级别的偏移,使纹理在视角改变时产生深度变化,从而提供更为真实的光照和阴影效果。 动态视差遮挡映射在本论文中引入了一个关键概念,即动态光线追踪算法,它允许表面在实时环境中对光线做出反应,实现动态照明。这在游戏和实时渲染应用中尤为重要,因为它们需要在保持帧率的同时提供高质量的视觉体验。动态光线追踪能够处理光源移动、物体运动以及环境光的变化,使得阴影和光照效果更加自然和生动。 论文还探讨了近似软阴影的实现,软阴影可以为场景添加更丰富的光影细节,使物体的阴影边缘不那么生硬,增加真实感。在实时渲染中实现软阴影通常是个挑战,因为需要在性能和质量之间找到平衡。作者提出的近似方法在保持效率的同时提供了良好的视觉效果。 此外,论文中可能涵盖了以下几点: 1. 性能优化策略:如何在有限的计算资源下实现动态视差遮挡映射和近似软阴影。 2. 错误隐藏和质量控制:如何在不同硬件配置下调整算法,确保在低性能设备上也能呈现出可接受的视觉效果。 3. 实时性考量:如何在不影响帧率的情况下更新光照和阴影信息。 4. 应用实例:通过比较图1(a)和图1(b),展示动态视差遮挡映射在实际场景中的优势,如 cobblestone sidewalk(鹅卵石人行道)的城市场景。 这篇论文对于想要提升实时渲染质量的开发者来说是一份宝贵的资源,它介绍了如何通过创新的技术来增强场景的真实感,同时兼顾了性能和效率。
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Lux Plus is the commercial branch of the open source Lux shader framework and brings Lux's advanced lighting features such as skin, translucent and anisotropic lighting to the deferred rendering pipeline — all without adding any additional data to the built in gbuffers. So unlike other solutions Lux Plus will not stress your memory bandwidth furthermore but uses a cleverly packed default gbuffer. Lux Plus has been successfully tested with DX11, DX9 and OpenGLCore on Win and Mac using nvidia GPUs and Unity 5.4.2, Unity 5.5.0b10, Unity 5.6.1., Unity 2017.2.0f3 and Unity 2018.1. and above. Lighting features - Fast approximated area lights - Diffuse fill lights - Deferred pre-integrated Skin Lighting and wrinkle maps - Deferred translucent Lighting - Deferred anisotropic Lighting* (read more) - Deferred lambert lighting - Diffuse scattering or fuzz lighting - Specular Anti Aliasing - Horizon Occlusion Surface features - Dynamic weather - Mix mapping - Parallax, parallax occlusion and tessellation - Double sided rendering Although Lux ships with a rather flexible standard shader it allows you write custom surface shaders which will take full advantage of all feature mentioned above. In order to make this as easy as possible Lux offers a bunch of predefined shader macros and ships with various example surface shaders including: - Tessellation - Geometry based refraction - Geometry based deferred decals Lux Plus and Image Effects As Lux Plus packs Unity’s built in GBuffer in a special way, image effects, which rely on data from the GBuffer, will most likely break. But Lux Plus ships with fixes for the Cinematic Image Effects (Lux 2.01 only), Unity's Post Processing Stack and Amplify Occlusion. (read more)