第 28 卷第 10 期
2011 年 10 月
控 制 理 论 与 应 用
Control Theory & Applications
Vol. 28 No. 10
Oct. 2011
文文文章章章编编编号号号: 1000−8152(2011)10−1455−06
冯 琳
, 毛志忠
, 袁 平
(1. 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110819; 2. 东北大学 流程工业综合自动化教育部重点实验室, 辽宁 沈阳 110819)
摘要: 针对炼钢过程的供电优化问题, 提出了一种改进的多目标粒子群算法(CRMOPSO). 文中利用约束条件满
意度函数并加权求和的策略将约束条件转化为一个待优化目标; 同时为了克服基本多目标粒子群算法在求解复杂
优化问题时, 搜索速度较慢, 精度较低的缺点, 引入变区域加速算子以提高算法收敛速度和精度; 针对算法易于早熟
收敛的问题, 引入混沌算子以提高算法局部搜索能力; 进化过程中采用受约束的竞争选择机制(RCS)小生境技术保
证种群多样性. 建立了新的供电多目标优化模型并将CRMOPSO算法用于该模型优化电弧炉供电过程, 达到了减少
电量消耗, 缩短冶炼时间, 延长炉衬使用寿命的目的, 表明了该算法的有效性.
关键词: 粒子群算法; 多目标优化; 供电曲线优化; 变区域加速算子; 混沌算子
中图分类号: TP273 文献标识码: A
Improved multi-objective particle-swarm algorithm and
its application to electric arc furnace in steelmaking process
, MAO Zhi-zhong
, YUAN Ping
(1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang Liaoning 110819, China;
2. Key Laboratory Automation of Process Industry, Northeastern University, Shenyang Liaoning 110819, China)
Abstract: We propose a chaos region changed multi-objective particle-swarm optimization algorithm(CRMOPSO) for
optimizing the power supply for the electric arc furnace in a steelmaking process. All index functions with constraints are
summed up with different weighting factors into a single performance function to be optimized. To deal with the inherent
disadvantage of slower convergence and low accuracy of basic multi-objective particle -swarm algorithm, a variable-domain
acceleration operator is introduced to expedite the convergence process the algorithm. Meanwhile, a chaotic operator is
employed to prevent the algorithm from prematurity by enhancing the algorithm searching capability around local optimal
solutions. A restricted competition selection(RCS) operator is used to guarantee the diversity of populations during the
evolution process. After a new power supply model has been built, the CRMOPSO was applied to optimize the steelmaking
process; it reduces the electric energy consumption, shorten the melting time and prolong the lifespan of the furnaces lining.
The application results show the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
Key words: particle swarm optimization algorithm; multi-objective optimization; power supply curve optimization;
variable domain acceleration operator; chaotic operator
1 引引引言言言(Introduction)
过程, 合理的供电策略不仅能保证操作顺利进行, 而
缩短冶炼周期, 带来良好的经济效益
[1, 2]
. 电炉炼钢
过程中的供电曲线优化问题, 属于典型的有约束最
随 着多 目 标 模 拟 退 火 算 法
、多目 标 遗 传 算
等优化算法的兴起, 现代优化算法被广泛地
应用到约束优化问题的求解中. 粒子群算法是一种
新兴的群体智能算法, 以其实现容易, 信息单向传
递, 设置参数少, 高效并行搜索等优点被广泛的应用
. 随着
进化算法在多目标函数优化中的进一步应用, 利用
研究方向. 从解决比较复杂的约束优化问题出发, 多
目标粒子群算法(multi-objective particle swarm opti-
mization algorithm, MOPSO)
文中为了提高MOPSO的搜索性能, 对其进行改
进, 并提出了改进的多目标粒子群算法(the chaos re-
gion changed mopso, CRMOPSO). CRMOPSO算法采
条件; 引入改进变区域算子
提高算法收敛速度, 加
收稿日期: 2010−07−02; 收修改稿日期: 2010−12−15.
基金项目: 国家高新技术研究发展计划资助项目(2007AA04Z194).