
需积分: 0 0 下载量 90 浏览量 更新于2024-03-23 收藏 389KB DOC 举报
A nuts-and-bolts view of the Internet refers to a detailed understanding of the basic elements that make up the network. It involves knowing how billions of computing devices and packet switches are interconnected by links to create a vast network. This view also includes recognizing the Internet as a "network of networks," meaning that it is made up of interconnected smaller networks. Additionally, understanding the Internet from a nuts-and-bolts perspective involves recognizing it as a platform for building network applications, where hardware and software components work together to execute protocols that define the format and order of messages exchanged between communicating entities. In essence, a nuts-and-bolts view of the Internet involves understanding the underlying infrastructure and protocols that enable communication and data exchange across the network.