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Apache JMeter is a 100% pure java desktop application designed to test client/server software. It can be used to test the performance of both static and dynamic resources, such as static files, Java Servlets, Java Objects, databases, FTP servers, and more. JMeter is capable of simulating heavy loads on a server, network, or object to test its strength or analyze comprehensive performance under different load types. Additionally, JMeter can be used to create test scripts with assertions to verify if an application returns the expected results, thus assisting in regression testing. For maximum flexibility, JMeter allows the use of regular expressions to create assertions. Stefano Mazzocchi, a member of the Apache Software Foundation, is the founder of JMeter. He initially created it to test the performance of Apache JServ, an application that has since been replaced by the Apache Tomcat project. JMeter has been redesigned to enhance the user interface and improve functional testing capabilities. Looking to the future, we hope to see developers utilize JMeter's pluggable architecture to rapidly expand its functionality. This will allow for continued development and growth of JMeter as a powerful testing tool. In addition, a complete JMeter usage manual is available in both English and Chinese translations, providing detailed instructions and guidelines for utilizing the various features and functionalities of JMeter. This manual includes information on the history of JMeter, its capabilities, and its future development, along with practical examples and best practices for effective testing. With the comprehensive JMeter usage manual, users can gain a thorough understanding of how to utilize JMeter for efficient and accurate testing of client/server software and web applications.