第 5 2 卷 第 1 期
2014年 1 月
Vol. 52 No. 1
an 2014
doi : 10. 134 13/j. cnki. jdxblxb. 2014. 01. 21
易海云、赵广义、王明勇2,马玉刚、王振超3,周 庆 4,李 建 1,王 健 5
( . 吉林大学物理学院,长春130012; 2.鞍山师范学院物理系,辽宁鞍山1 14005;
3.黑龙江省科学院技术物理研究所,哈尔滨150086; 4.天津市技术物理研究所,天津300192;
摘要:利用Geant4模拟每核子能量在80〜360 M e V 内碳离子束(12C 6 )穿过靶质量厚度为
0.5〜4.0g/cm2 的有机玻璃、铝、铜和铅后的角度歧离值和能量歧离值,并对比单能碳离子
束直接进入水中和经降能片后再进入水中的Bragg峰. 模拟结果表明:碳离子束的能量越
小,其 Bragg峰所受影响也越小. 即若仅考虑角度歧离和能量歧离,则低原子序数的材料更
中图分类号=0571.33 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-5489(2014)01-0108-05
Effect o f Range Sh ifter to 12C6+ Beam Simulated via Geant4 M ethod
Abstract: The angle straggling and energy straggling of 12 C6 beam were simulated with method of
Geant4. And the energy of 12 C6 beam ranged from 80 M e V to 360 M e V per nucleon,while the mass
thickness of the target,P M M A , Al, C u , P b ,ranged from 0. 5 g/cm2 to 4. 0 g/cm2. Besides,the Bragg
peak of 12C 6 beam which have passed through range shifter was compared to the Bragg peak of mono-
energetic 12C 6 beam. The results of the simulation show that the energy of 12C 6 beam is higher,the
thickness and atomic number of the target is lower, then the angle and energy straggling of 12 C 6
beam after range shifter is lower, the effect of its Bragg peak is minimal. So,in the case of only
consider the angle and energy straggling,the target of lower atomic number is more suitable for range
Key words: Geant4 simulation; angle straggling; energy straggling; Bragg peak
作者简介:易 海 云 (1987— ) ,女 ,汉 族 ,硕 士 研 究 生 ,从 事 核 技 术 应 用 的 研 究 ,E-mail: julifurenhewo @ 163. co m .通 信 作 者 :
王 健 (971 — ) ,男 ,汉族 ,博士 ,副编 审,从事核结构与量子光学的研究,E-mail: wang」(jlu . edu. cn.
YI Hai-yun1,Z H A O Guang-yi1,W A N G Ming-yong2,M A Yu-gang1,
W A N G Zhen-chao3,Z H O U Qing1,LI Jian1,W A N G Jian5
(1. College of Physics,JUin University,Changchun 130012,China ;
2. Department of Physics,Anshan Normal College,Anshan 114 005,Liaoning Province,China;
3. Institute of Technical Physics,Heilongjiang Academy of Science,Harbin 1 50086,China ;
4. Tianjin Institute of Technical Physics,Tianjin 300192,China;
5. Editorial Department of J ournal of J ilin University,Changchun 130012, China)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准 号:J1103202).