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第5章 "Intranet服务器" 是一个专注于Linux系统管理和网络环境配置的专业章节。该章的主要目标是教授读者如何通过命令行操作来有效地管理Linux系统,以便更高效地完成日常任务。以下是章节内容的关键知识点: 1. 命令使用:本节将深入介绍Linux的基本命令,如查看当前工作目录、切换目录、复制和移动文件,以及常用的文本编辑器(如`cd`、`ls`、`mv`、`cp`等)。学习这些命令有助于用户在没有图形界面的情况下流畅地操作系统。 2. 文件及目录操作:涵盖了文件和目录的创建、删除、重命名,以及权限管理,这对于理解和管理Linux系统的组织结构至关重要。 3. 文件压缩与解压:通过学习如何使用`tar`、`gzip`、`bzip2`等命令进行文件压缩和解压,用户可以更好地管理和备份数据。 4. 联机帮助:Linux系统提供了丰富的在线帮助文档,如`man`命令用于查阅手册页,这在遇到问题时是不可或缺的资源。 5. 进程管理:学习如何启动、停止、检查和管理系统中的进程,包括查看进程状态、信号处理以及使用`ps`、`kill`、`top`等命令。 6. Linux网络环境配置:该部分详细介绍了三种网络配置方法: - 方法一:通过root权限使用`setup`命令进入文本模式设置,包括IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关和DNS配置。然后通过`/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart`命令使设置生效。 - 方法二:临时性地使用`ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x`和`ifconfig eth0 network x.x.x.x`直接设置网络参数。 - 方法三:修改`/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`文件中的属性,这是最底层的修改方式,同样需要重启网络服务。 7. RPM管理:RPM(Red Hat Package Manager)是Linux系统中广泛使用的软件包管理工具,用于安装、升级和卸载软件包。本节将解释RPM包的命名规则(如`apache-1.3.23-11.i386.rpm`),并介绍几个常用命令: - `rpm -qa`:列出已安装的RPM软件包。 - `rpm -q`:查询特定软件包的安装状态。 通过学习本章内容,读者不仅能够掌握Linux系统的基本操作,还能熟悉网络环境的配置,并了解如何高效地利用RPM工具进行软件管理,从而提升在Linux环境下的工作能力。

Another example is the SRIOV_NET_VF resource class, which is provided by SRIOV-enabled network interface cards. In the case of multiple SRIOV-enabled NICs on a compute host, different qualitative traits may be tagged to each NIC. For example, the NIC called enp2s0 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_PUBLIC” indicating that the NIC is attached to a physical network called “public”. The NIC enp2s1 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_INTRANET” that indicates the NIC is attached to the physical network called “Intranet”. We need a way of representing that these NICs each provide SRIOV_NET_VF resources but those virtual functions are associated with different physical networks. In the resource providers data modeling, the entity which is associated with qualitative traits is the resource provider object. Therefore, we require a way of representing that the SRIOV-enabled NICs are themselves resource providers with inventories of SRIOV_NET_VF resources. Those resource providers are contained on a compute host which is a resource provider that has inventory records for other types of resources such as VCPU, MEMORY_MB or DISK_GB. This spec proposes that nested resource providers be created to allow for distinguishing details of complex components of some resource providers. During review the question came up about “rolling up” amounts of these nested providers to the root level. Imagine this scenario: I have a NIC with two PFs, each of which has only 1 VF available, and I get a request for 2 VFs without any traits to distinguish them. Since there is no single resource provider that can satisfy this request, it will not select this root provider, even though the root provider “owns” 2 VFs. This spec does not propose any sort of “rolling up” of inventory, but this may be something to consider in the future. If it is an idea that has support, another BP/spec can be created then to add this behavior.

2023-07-23 上传