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"Python3编程详解预览" 《Illustrated Guide to Python 3 Preview》是一本深入浅出介绍Python 3编程的指南,旨在帮助读者掌握这门广泛应用且日益流行的编程语言。随着Python在大学教育中的普及,以及在数据科学领域的繁荣,Python开发者的需求量激增,薪资水平也位居前列。在数据分析领域,Python已经成为必不可少的技能之一。同时,运维人员也开始使用Python来管理后台系统,他们认识到Python能显著提升工作效率。 Python已经突破了临界点,不再局限于小型初创公司,而是被大型企业广泛采纳。作者在过去一年中,向许多有大型公司经验的资深开发者教授Python,他们都看到了Python的力量和效率。Python带来的生产力提升是其备受青睐的主要原因。 本书以一个Perl程序员的角度出发,讲述了如何快速适应并爱上Python。作者与一位熟悉Tcl的同事共同完成了一个项目,他们在短短三天内就用Python完成了原型设计,远超预期,两人均迅速放弃了原来的首选语言。Python吸引人的地方在于它的易读性、简洁的语法和强大的标准库,使得编写代码更加高效。 Python 3作为Python的最新版本,引入了许多改进和新特性,例如更现代的类型注解、异步编程的支持以及对Unicode的全面处理。学习Python 3意味着可以充分利用这些现代化的功能,以应对各种复杂的编程挑战。 此外,Python拥有庞大的开源社区和丰富的第三方库,如NumPy和Pandas用于数据分析,TensorFlow和PyTorch用于机器学习,Django和Flask则为Web开发提供了强大的框架。这些工具使得Python成为解决实际问题的强大工具箱。 在《Illustrated Guide to Python 3 Preview》中,读者将深入学习Python的基础,包括变量、控制结构、函数、类和对象,以及面向对象编程的概念。同时,也会探讨高级主题,如装饰器、生成器、上下文管理器以及错误和异常处理。通过这本书,无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发者,都能进一步提升Python编程的技能,并领略到Python的魅力和实用性。
2018-05-05 上传
Illustrated Guide to Learning Python is designed to bring developers and others who are anxious to learn Python up to speed quickly. Not only does it teach the basics of syntax, but it condenses years of experience. You will learn warts, gotchas, best practices and hints that have been gleaned through the years in days. You will hit the ground running and running in the right way. Learn Python Quickly Python is an incredible language. It is powerful and applicable in many areas. It is used for automation of simple or complex tasks, numerical processing, web development, interactive games and more. Whether you are a programmer coming to Python from another language, managing Python programmers or wanting to learn to program, it makes sense to cut to the chase and learn Python the right way. You could scour blogs, websites and much longer tomes if you have time. Treading on Python lets you learn the hints and tips to be Pythonic quickly. Packed with Useful Hints and Tips You'll learn the best practices without wasting time searching or trying to force Python to be like other languages. I've collected all the gems I've gleaned over years of writing and teaching Python for you. A No Nonsense Guide to Mastering Basic Python Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs. What you will learn: •Distilled best practices and tips •How interpreted languages work •Using basic types such as Strings, Integers, and Floats •Best practices for using the interpreter during development •The difference between mutable and immutable data •Sets, Lists, and Dictionaries, and when to use each •Gathering keyboard input •How to define a class •Looping constructs •Handling Exceptions in code •Slicing sequences •Creating modular code •Using libraries •Laying out code •Community prescribed conventions