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The Design and Implementation of License Plate Image Recognition Based on MATLAB is a crucial component of modern intelligent traffic management system. The license plate recognition system enables intelligent and digital vehicle management, which significantly improves the convenience and effectiveness of traffic management. The system mainly consists of five core parts: image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition.
This paper focuses on the implementation methods of image preprocessing, license plate localization, and character segmentation modules. The image preprocessing module involves grayscale conversion and edge detection using the Roberts operator. The license plate localization and segmentation modules utilize mathematical morphology for determining the license plate position and color segmentation method for separating the license plate area based on its color information. The character segmentation method involves vertical projection of the binarized license plate area and scanning the vertical projection to achieve character segmentation.
The simulation experiment of character segmentation was conducted using the MATLAB software environment, and the results showed that this method has excellent performance.
In conclusion, this paper presents the design and implementation of a license plate image recognition system based on MATLAB. The system includes the image preprocessing, license plate localization, and character segmentation modules, which are crucial for accurate and efficient license plate recognition. The simulation experiment demonstrated that the proposed method has good performance and can contribute to intelligent traffic management.
Keywords: image processing, license plate localization, character segmentation.
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