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"将字符串排序输出,通过使用指针数组构造字符串数组,然后利用自定义sort函数进行排序,其中涉及到了C语言中的字符串处理和指针操作。此实例使用了strcmp函数进行字符串比较,它是C语言标准库中的字符串比较函数,用于比较两个字符串的大小。在实现过程中,通过选择排序法进行排序,最终实现字符串由大到小的输出。" 在C语言中,字符串是一种特殊的字符数组,通常以空字符'\0'作为结束标志。在本实例中,`strcmp`函数是一个非常关键的字符串操作函数,它在`<string.h>`头文件中定义。`strcmp`函数接收两个字符串作为参数,即两个字符指针`str1`和`str2`,并逐个比较它们的字符。如果`str1`的ASCII值大于`str2`,函数返回一个大于零的值;如果两者相等,则返回零;如果`str1`的ASCII值小于`str2`,则返回一个小于零的值。这个函数在字符串排序中起到了核心作用。 实现字符串排序的过程如下: 1. 首先,定义一个字符串指针数组`strings`,并存储待排序的字符串。 2. 接下来,定义一个自定义的`sort`函数,该函数接受指针数组的首地址作为参数。 3. 在`sort`函数内部,采用选择排序算法,遍历整个字符串数组,每次找到当前未排序部分的最大值(或最小值),与未排序部分的第一个元素进行交换。 4. 在比较字符串大小时,调用`strcmp`函数,根据返回值决定字符串的相对顺序。 5. 重复上述步骤,直到所有字符串都按特定顺序排列。 6. 最后,遍历排序后的字符串数组并输出,得到按字母顺序排列的字符串列表。 在C语言中,指针是另一个重要的概念,它能直接访问内存地址。指针数组可以用来存储一组字符串的地址,这样就能方便地对这些字符串进行操作,比如排序。指针与数组结合使用,可以高效地处理大型数据结构,如字符串数组。 实例中提到的其他知识点包括: 1. 进制转换:C语言提供了将十进制转换为其他进制的方法,如使用位运算和除法运算。 2. 条件判断:利用if语句进行逻辑判断,如判断闰年。 3. 循环结构:for、while等循环语句用于执行重复任务,例如打印图形或求和。 4. 数组操作:数组用于存储相同类型的数据集合,可以进行各种数学和逻辑操作。 5. 字符和字符串:使用字符数组处理字符串,如字符串复制、比较和拼接。 6. 函数:定义和调用函数来实现特定功能,如计算平均值或解决特定问题。 7. 指针与数组:通过指针访问和操作数组元素,实现数据的高效传递。 8. 指针与函数:指针可以作为函数参数,使得函数可以修改实参的值,或者函数返回指向特定值的指针。 本实例涵盖了C语言中的基本数据类型、控制结构、字符串处理以及指针操作等多个核心概念,通过实际操作演示了如何利用这些知识点实现字符串排序输出。

Before Playstation, there was Pong, at one time the ultimate in video game entertainment. For those of you not familiar with this game please refer to the Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) and the many fine websites extolling the game and its virtues. Pong is not so very different in structure from the Billiard ball simulation that you developed earlier in the course. They both involve a ball moving and colliding with obstacles. The difference in this case is that two of the obstacles are under user control. The goal of this project is to develop your own version of Pong in MATLAB using the keyboard as input, for example, one player could move the left paddle up and down using the q and a keys while the right paddle is controlled with the p and l keys. You may check the code for the Lunarlander game which demonstrates some of the techniques you can use to capture user input. You will also probably find the plot, set, line and text commands useful in your program. You have used most of these before in the billiard simulation and you can use Matlabs online help to get more details on the many options these functions offer. Your program should allow you to play a game to 11 keeping track of score appropriately. The general structure of the code is outlined below in pseudo code While not done Update Ball State (position and velocity) taking into account collisions with walls and paddles Check for scoring and handle appropriately Update Display Note that in this case it is implicitly assumed that capturing the user input and moving the paddles is being handled with callback functions which removes that functionality from the main loop. For extra credit you could consider adding extra features like spin or gravity to the ball flight or providing a single player mode where the computer controls one of the paddles.

2023-05-30 上传