"基于Selenium Python的高效自动化测试框架设计与实现"

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基于Selenium Python的自动化测试框架的设计与实现.doc是一份关于自动化测试框架设计和实现的文档。随着互联网行业的快速发展,敏捷开发和快速迭代成为主流。传统的软件测试技术和方式并不完全适用于如今的Web系统测试,因此企业引进自动化测试是非常必要的。目前市场上已经有许多自动化测试工具和框架,但如何构建一套适合自我测试的工具或框架,满足实际需求的自动化测试框架是每个研究自动化测试或自动化测试的工作者需要考虑和解决的问题。本文主要是利用软件测试知识、自动化测试相关教程和自动化测试框架理论,结合对当前市场上流行的自动化测试工具的分析结果,使用高效、简洁、灵活的Python语言去实现一款基于Selenium Python的自动化测试框架,该框架的测试对象主要是功能测试。在使用该测试框架过程中,需要提高测试脚本的维护性、复用性和扩展性,有利于实现减少测试成本的消耗、提高测试执行的效率和保证软件产品的质量。关键词:自动化测试、测试框架、Selenium框架、Python脚本。Abstract With With the agile development of the Internet industry. Nowadays, traditional software testing techniques and methods are not fully applicable to the testing of web systems. Therefore, it is necessary for enterprises to introduce automated testing. There are currently many automated testing tools and frameworks on the market. However, how to build a self-testing tool or framework that meets the actual needs is a problem that every researcher or worker in the field of automated testing needs to consider and solve. This document mainly uses software testing knowledge, automated testing related tutorials, and automated testing framework theory, combined with the analysis results of popular automated testing tools on the market, to implement an automated testing framework based on Selenium Python using efficient, concise, and flexible Python language, the main object of the framework is functional testing. In the process of using the testing framework, it is necessary to improve the maintainability, reusability, and expandability of the test scripts, which is conducive to reducing the cost of testing consumption, improving the efficiency of testing execution, and ensuring the quality of software products. Keywords: automated testing, testing framework, Selenium framework, Python scripts.